Beyond the photograph: A tribute to Phil Ejercito
Front row from left: Sarah Weatherbee, Robin Gee, Phil Ejercito, Kait Vosswinkel, Ellie Dahlquist. Back row from left: George Treviranus, Daniel Schott, Jacob Ennis.
March 20, 2013
Philip Ejercito, student at Madison College and photographer for The Clarion, passed on March 14 for unknown reasons. His photography left a lasting impression on the Madison community.
Phil’s passion for activism and photojournalism was widespread. During the Act 10 protests of 2011, Phil took several photos which would eventually be used in a double-page spread timeline story, showing the progress of the protests over the course of a month. The capitol building has made a frequent mark in his portfolio as a result of his drive for political photography.
This photo is a testament to his skill with a camera and the control he had over it. Phil played with light and took photos like the one below and SantaCon last December.
The music scene resonated with Phil, not just because of his affinity for the arts, but because he could turn the photos into phenomenal light paintings as well. During the 2012-2013 school year, he’s taken numerous assignments covering bands and local artists, which have always been eye-catchers for the music page. This image was from Pretty Lights on Nov. 15, 2012.