Welcome to the church of Poppy

Savana Stauss / The Clarion

Poppy performed at the Turner Hall Ballroom in Milwaukee on Feb. 7.

Adrienne Oliva, Editor in Chief

Poppy is a pop star who rose to fame via YouTube, and may or may not be a leader of her own cult.

Poppy satirizes modern culture by portraying herself as a robotic pop idol. She is probably most known for her visual style, which is a mix of pink, cute and angelic, with occult and conspiracy symbols.

Poppy rose to fame via her odd internet content. Some of her most popular videos include her reading passages of the bible for an hour, interviewing a plant, and looking blankly towards the camera as she reminds her audience that she thinks everything is OK, and she understands the world as her nose begins to bleed.

Though music for Poppy has long taken a backseat to her off kilter YouTube content, Poppy finally released her first full length album entitled “Poppy.Computer” last fall.

The odd and somewhat creepy style of Poppy translates well onto the album, while the songs still managing to be a catchy and well written.

Songs like “My Style,” demonstrate the perfect balance between unsettling and catchy. The song’s chorus includes phases like “Poppy is an object. Poppy is your best friend,” which out of context, sounds very disturbing. But since the lyrics are paired with a well written hook, you end up singing these ominous phrases to yourself over and over, which is perhaps the exact point of it.

Aligning with Poppy’s aesthetic, many of the songs are internet and technology inspired. One of Poppy’s main targets of irony is our modern relationship with our phones and computers, which makes songs like “Computer Boy” very poignant to her ongoing message. In this song, Poppy sings about literally being in romantic love with her computer. The satire of this song is at its highest when Poppy sings “Don’t ever leave me, or go to sleep without me,” to her computer.

Recently, Poppy played her first show in Wisconsin. As an attendee, I was concerned that Poppy’s cult like aesthetic would be played down in her first national tour with her new album. I was put at ease when I saw that all members of the production of the show were in character the whole time- even the man running the merch table acted as a discombobulated, brainwashed cult member who handed people business cards that read “Reserve your spot in the Church of Poppy.”

Though Poppy’s strange aesthetic might throw off some pop fans, I highly suggest giving her a listen, as she blends creepy satire and genuine pop music beautifully.