Upcoming Student Showcase, a day to celebrate the arts
Photo Provided by Robin Fonfara
A student performs during the Student Showcase held last year in the Truax Campus Gateway.
February 27, 2018
Finding the time to do what you love amidst a crazy work and school life is never easy, especially if what you love is performing. Luckily Madison College offers the opportunity to learn and grow even without a ten-week musical commitment.
Madison College is hosting its 3rd student showcase held at the Gateway, which is an opportunity for students to show off their skills without the long commitment. When asked about why students have auditioned in the past, one of the coordinators Robin Fonfara said “It’s not a competition, it’s a showcase… It’s a chance to give students the chance to perform.”
Students who have auditioned and made it into the showcase are paired with a faculty member at Madison College or a professional in their field. “An expert will help groom them for their performance, at no cost to the student. Typically, if you were to seek a vocal coach it could be up to fifty dollars a lesson, so the students receive this educational supplement to help them grow”
When asked what draws students to audition and preform despite no scholarship opportunities Fonfara said it’s “The thrill of being able to perform in front of friends and family is a huge motivator for someone who wants to go into the performing arts.”
Putting together a show like this isn’t easy, with having such a large and diverse talent pool Fonfara said they the hardest part if making sure everyone feels like an individual and getting the kind of help they need to grow as performers. While they have many volunteers, Fonfara expressed the difficulties that come with organizing everything, which unfortunately limits the number of students that they can give an spot in the show to.
“We try as much as possible to encourage students to collaborate, if I have several students in a group, that increases the amount of students that we can give an opportunity to because they are working in a group” Fonfara said.
Fonfara also expressed that many types of performances are welcomed at the showcase. “It doesn’t have to be Broadway, what we are trying to do is facilitate student growth. It really is amazing that when you have so many talented students coming in, everything just seems to fall into place and there ends up being a little bit of everything. There’s a serendipity to it all.”
While the auditions have since closed, even if you’re not a performer the showcase brings many reasons to attend. In years past they’ve featured everything from cellist’s to spoken word to hip hop, as well as trombonists. If you’re interested in any form of the performing arts the 90 minute showcase will probably have something for you.
The student showcase is going to be Saturday, March 24, in the Gateway at Truax. There will be food for the performers and audience.
Fonfara said: “It’s a beautiful environment, where students can invite their friends and family to share in a day of showcasing and celebrating the arts.”