Arts editor Mandy Scheuer likes reviewing books, movies
Mandy Scheuer is the new Arts editor for The Clarion
March 5, 2019
My name is Mandy Scheuer, and I have been at Madison College ever since the Fall of 2017. I graduated from Waunakee High School and decided to come to Madison College because it’s cheaper than going right to a four-year university. Also, I get to stay with my parents and get free food, laundry, and homework help! How sweet is that?
I originally wanted to become an Elementary School Teacher after graduating, but once I learned that I would need higher level math like college algebra I decided to think about what else I am interested in doing here.
So, I talked to my parents and my academic advisor and we came up with me studying psychology, and somehow incorporating children with it. I love working with kids because they are so cute and fun to be around.
I work at a daycare back home in Waunakee and while working there I have been thinking about what jobs are associated with children and psychology and came up with a school psychologist or a child psychologist. If that somehow does not work, then I will still have my Associate’s Degree in psychology when I transfer to Edgewood.
I am planning on transferring to Edgewood College in about two or three semesters once I have finished up my credits here at Madison College. I chose Edgewood College because it has a great program for psychology, or education if I ever have the crazy idea of switching majors or even having a minor in Education.
My position with the Clarion staff is the arts editor. Basically, I write reviews about anything art-related like books, movies, TV shows, video games, music, and other stuff. I occasionally even add in my opinion about things going on at Madison College like opinions about the weather, the food, or other things.
You can find me either in the Clarion Office listening to music and/or chatting with other editors, in the back of the library, or occasionally in the cafeteria enjoying something from the Bakery.