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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Black history should be taught

Amara Gobermann, Managing Editor March 5, 2019

Black history month is more than just recognizing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, or Rosa Parks. It is about praising all black people in history who made a change that made our present society functional. You...

Journalist and role model

Amara Gobermann, Managing Editor February 19, 2019

A real-life example of an ally to all races, genders and sexuality, Jana Shortal spoke at the Best of the Midwest Journalism Conference on Feb. 16. Shortal was hands-down one of the most powerful keynote...

Why prevent people from enlisting?

Lillian Glacklin, Staff Writer February 19, 2019

Since being elected, President Trump has been pushing a ban of transgender persons from joining the U.S. military. After lower courts placed two injunctions that blocked the policy, the Supreme Court voted...

Student starts initiative to address microagressions

Brad Burt, Contributor February 19, 2019

President Trump recently declared transgendered citizens are not allowed to join the military. What this means is we as citizens have been limited to a restriction as to who can join on the premise of...

Katie Paape is the News Editor for The Clarion

Paape enjoys role on Clarion

Katie Paape, News Editor February 19, 2019

Hello readers of the Clarion. My name is Katie, and I am now the news editor of The Clarion. While I spent most of my life writing, until October, I had absolutely no experience doing any journalism or...

Does a passion for fashion create waste?

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor February 5, 2019

When our own federal government is ignoring the deterioration of our environment, it’s important we take matters into our own hands. You can recycle, buy less plastic, and overall try to become more...

Overcoming the educational impact of stereotype threat

Amara Gobermann, Managing Editor February 5, 2019

Over hundreds of years, damaging stereotypes have been placed on black people. Stereotypes are affecting African Americans psychologically, and having an impact on their academic success. In her article,...

Managing Editor Amara Gobermann, left, gets a photo with Lt. gov. Mandala Barnes after an event celebrating Madison College's rooftop solar array earlier this semester

Meet the managing editor of The Clarion

Amara Gobermann, Managing Editor February 5, 2019

Writing has always come with ease to me, but I never knew I could use it to my advantage or for the good of my community. It all started in my English 1 class my first semester here at Madison College....

Unread books are more than just clutter

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor February 5, 2019

With its release on Netflix, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” has taken the world (and internet) by storm. While its “spark joy” philosophy works for many different aspects of a tidy lifestyle, it...

Happiness is within your reach

Amara Gobermann, Managing Editor January 25, 2019

Every year, people make generic New Year’s resolutions. “I’m going to the gym five days a week,” or “I am cutting off all the toxic people in my life,” or even “I am going vegan this year!” They...

No national emergency

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor January 24, 2019

At the start of the new year, the United States had 31 real ongoing national emergencies and is now nearly one month into a partial shutdown in the federal government over a multi-billion dollar, xenophobically...

Journaling can help you achieve your goals

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor January 24, 2019

January, with its mark to a near year, holds a lot of potential into self-discovery. For many, setting new goals and things to strive for during the rest of the year is exciting. Sometimes, these ambitious...

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