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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Holiday commercials can warm the heart

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor December 5, 2018
It’s strange the love/hate relationship that occurs between us and commercials. Generally, we hate them. But as the seasons change, so do our feelings – and the way companies produce them. They become more like mini stories, that happen to have subtle promotion, than anything else. Everything goes back to bringing in that warm and familiar feeling of the holiday spirit.
Joe Craker poses for a photo outside the athletic department.

Meet The Clarion’s sports editor Joe Craker

Joe Craker, Sports Editor December 5, 2018

I opened my email last summer for the first time about a month before classes started. At the top of my inbox sat a call for writers at the student newspaper. I can’t say no to things and, finding it...

A year of extreme contrasts

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor December 5, 2018

As we make it to the last month of 2018, all the defining moments begin to stand out. If we can all come to one conclusion, it’s this: 2018 dragged us through such unbelievable situations that jokes...

OUR VIEW: A big thank you is much deserved

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor December 5, 2018

The burden of textbook costs will finally be alleviated, but not all on its own. A number of people have been, and will be, hard at work to ensure that the textbook rental plan is fully implemented for...

Mel Acosta is the opinion editor at The Clarion.

Meet The Clarion’s new opinion editor

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor November 21, 2018
Writing has always been an important part of my life and, ultimately, what I’d like to be doing for the rest of it. It’s what led me to take Journalism classes last year and become a practicum student at The Clarion.

Self-deprecating humor can still hurt

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor November 21, 2018

It’s become increasingly more popular to deflect one’s own mental health through self-deprecating humor. Sprouting in memes and day-to-day conversation, making a joke at your own expense, when overused,...

OUR VIEW: Armed guards are not the answer

Mel Acosta  & Andrew Kicmol, Opinion Editor & Editor in Chief November 21, 2018

It seems like every week now there is another shooting of varying degree. In the past couple of months, it’s been a religious place, a school, a yoga studio, and, most recently, a bar and grill. The...

Commercialism, controversy shouldn’t ruin this holiday

Katie Paape, Staff Writer November 21, 2018

As the fall leaves begin to be replaced with snow and the pumpkins become overshadowed by evergreens, Thanksgiving gives us all one more opportunity to enjoy the harvest season before entering the crazy,...

Taking a divisive approach to politics

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor November 7, 2018
Election season always brings chaos out of people; it’s just so concerning how that happens to include the person who’s supposed to be running the country.

Informercial offers satirical look at society’s implicit bias

Mel Acosta, Opinion Editor November 7, 2018

There have been 39 indicated instances just this year where people, particularly white people, have called the authorities when they noticed black people doing normal, everyday things. These situations...

A short ‘vacation’ in Brazil – at midterm

Tomaz Farina Escoteguy, Staff Writer November 7, 2018

The midterms were practically knocking on my door when my cellphone popped with a notification from my dad: “You are coming back to Brazil this Friday” (of course it was not exactly like that, since...

Are we plugged in, but stressed out?

Tara Olivia Martens, Staff Writer November 7, 2018

National Stress Awareness Day is Nov. 7 and this year’s theme is, “Does Hi-Tech cause Hi-Stress?” There have been many studies on what causes stress. One of the most famous studies being the 1967...

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