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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Madison College students respond to questions


October 10, 2018

Not another NHL lockout, please

Andrew Kicmol, Editor in Chief September 26, 2018
I love the sport of hockey. Once again, the NHL is facing a potential labor dispute that could result in another lockout. The current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) will run out in September 2019.

Share your opinions with The Clarion

Jacki Brickner, Opinion Editor September 26, 2018

My name is Jacki Brickner, and I am the opinion editor for The Clarion. I want to start by saying that opinions are important to me personally because I believe everyone needs to have a voice. Your opinion...

A scenic view of Mendota, a flood hazard

It’s time to lower the lake

Sean Bull, Staff Writer September 26, 2018

Unless you just woke up from a coma, you’ve heard it far too often over the past few weeks: Madison has had some flood problems. Homes, parks, and businesses alike have suffered the ravages of late August...

Steven Ansorge, Madison College Student Senate President


Steven Ansorge, Student Senate President September 26, 2018

Students of Madison College, My name is Steven Ansorge. I am your Student Senate President and I am your lead representation to our college’s faculty, administration, and staff. My studies are focused...

Starting out at a 2-year college

Megan Binkley, Staff Writer September 12, 2018
Two years ago, I transferred to Madison College from a four-year college. As far as I know, this isn’t a common choice. The reactions of my peers at my old institution ranged from polite, slightly confused ‘congratulations’ to outright skepticism and aversion. “Wait – you’re going to a community college?” My best friend said. “So... are you dropping out of real college?”
Andrew Kicmol is the editor in chief of The Clarion

Meet The Clarion’s new editor in chief

Andrew Kicmol, Editor In Chief September 12, 2018

I am the new editor in chief of The Clarion. Yikes. Not sure how I was chosen for the job but since I’m supposed to introduce myself I’ll give you my story. I started at Madison College...

Tips on saving money in college

Jacki Brickner, Opinion Editor September 12, 2018
College can be a tough road. Whether you are just out of high school or you are older and trying to change careers, college is a challenge financially. Here are my tips to help you save money while you are in college.

Reviewing the myths and facts about nation’s obesity crisis

Jacki Brickner, Opinion Editor August 29, 2018

There is a nationwide crisis with obesity in the United States. From negatively stereotyping overweight individuals, to body shaming what some people consider to be weight outside the norm, it can be difficult...

Top apps for students

Jacki Brickner, Opinion Editor August 29, 2018

In today’s world, technology is the reigning king. From smartphones to tablets, you are never far away from resources, people and games. Technology permeates through every aspect of our lives from school...

Weighing in on years-old social media posts

Matt Withers, Arts Editor August 29, 2018

Imagine you got the job of your dreams, something that you have always wanted to do. Once you get that job, it turns out that you happen to be one of the top employees and your workplace. More than that...

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