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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Illustration by Michael Edwards envisioning water on Mars.

News of a lake of water deep below surface of Mars draws only yawns

Joseph Craker, Staff Writer August 29, 2018

This past month has played host to an amazing discovery of a lake deep below the surface of Mars.  While astronomers in particular would argue that this is an extremely important and unique discovery,...

Manage your end-of-school-year stress

Bailey Ayres, Sports Editor May 1, 2018

It is getting to the end of the semester. There’s just a few days left until finals. I got a little stressed out just by typing those words. It’s a stressful time for us all. Everyone has final...

Last-minute tax filers faced a little extra stress

Bailey Ayres, Sports Editor May 1, 2018

This year on April 17, during Tax Day, the International Revenue Service (IRS) had some technological difficulties while people where handing in their taxes. The IRS gave an extra day for everyone to hand...

International Clitoris Awareness Week: May 6-12

Megan Binkley, Opinions Editor May 1, 2018

Hey, let’s talk about the clitoris. Did that make you uncomfortable? Let me continue. The clitoris is a small, pea-sized part of the female genitalia, home to over 8,000 nerve endings. It’s named...

Letter to the Editor

May 1, 2018

Dear Madison College Students, As you and your classmates know, we have great faculty at Madison College that teach and support each of you in more than 140 different programs. Our faculty focus on...

Starbucks controversy stirs debate

Megan Behnke, Staff Writer May 1, 2018

On April 12, a Philadelphia Starbucks came under scrutiny after an employee called the police on two black men who refused to leave the café after using the restroom without having purchased any drinks....

NFL Cheerleaders are treated unfairly

Megan Behnke, Staff Writer April 17, 2018

In recent years, there have been controversies involving NFL cheerleaders getting unequal pay or being treated unfairly based on gender. This trend shows just how little progress has been made in gaining...

How can CPR stop guns? Santorum’s comments on gun violence protests are way off the mark

Melyna Acosta, Staff Writer April 17, 2018

CPR cannot save someone who is bleeding to death from an AR-15 wound. This, unfortunately, is not something that falls under common sense for everyone, even former Republican senators. Rick Santorum,...

Can you really boycott Facebook, Google and Apple?

Megan Binkley, Opinions Editor April 17, 2018

Over the last few weeks, a number of articles and opinion pieces have popped up about growing antipathy toward Facebook, Google, Apple, and big tech in general. Facebook, already on a downward trend...

Celebrate Tolkien Reading Day

Megan Binkley, Opinions Editor April 4, 2018

In the early 1930s, a fellow at Pembroke College was grading papers. He found a blank sheet of paper and, on impulse, he wrote the following sentence: “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” What...

To prank, or not to prank? That is the question

Alison Malek, Staff Writer April 4, 2018

Breaking News! Your classes will be cancelled tomorrow due to emergency drills required by … drum roll please … April Fools! Every April 1st is deemed a day where it’s OK to prank another person....

UW-Stevens Point turns its back on humanities majors

Dylan Martin, Graphic Designer April 4, 2018

Perhaps you’ve heard about the latest proposal from the UW school in Stevens Point. After all, it has been grabbing the unassuming central-Wisconsin town some national attention, including making headlines...

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