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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

We can still save the internet

We can still save the internet

Dylan Martin, Graphic Designer January 16, 2018

The idea of net neutrality has existed since the early days of the internet. There is good reason for this, a fair and equitable web space is a very important aspect of our right to free speech. For...

Keeping ourselves politically informed

Isaiah Dwyer, Staff Writer December 5, 2017

Politics today is a touchy subject. Quite frankly, it pretty much always has been. In terms of history, the last time the United States has been as passionate about political issues was the 1960’s. In...

Mailbag: Adopt a cat

December 5, 2017

Madison College Veterinary Technician Program offers pet adoption services at our Truax campus. Our student organization, The Wisconsin Student Association of Veterinary Technicians (WSAVT) partners with...

Mailbag: Ring that bell

December 5, 2017

It’s that time of year again; the Salvation Army and their bell ringers are in full swing! The goal for this Christmas is to raise $525,000! In order to reach that goal they need our help; there are...

‘Crime and Punishment’ is about the power of belief

Isaiah Dwyer, Staff Writer December 5, 2017

Fyodor Dostoevsky is one of the world’s most influential writers to date. He was born in the early nineteenth century, and acclaimed quite a bit of literary success towards the end of his life. Dostoevsky’s...

Lavar Ball sparks controversy, grabs attention

Mario Gasparri, Staff Writer December 5, 2017

Our current sports media landscape seemingly rewards those who are as much polarizing as they are likable, and more commonly than ever has become loitered with larger than life characters who routinely...

Bullying doesn’t end after high school

Julia Simenz, Staff Writer December 5, 2017

The term ‘bullying’ can be used to describe a form of aggressive behavior in which someone purposefully inflicts physical or emotional harm on another person. From home and privacy, to school and the...

Social change and postmodernism

Isaiah Dwyer, Staff Writer November 21, 2017

One of the most influential times of United States was the 1960s and 70s. There was a mini-enlightenment, so to speak, and the world started to change for the better. Social change was at a forefront....

Taking a few steps today can lead to a healthier tomorrow

Isaiah Dwyer, Staff Writer November 21, 2017

Ask any college student and they’ll most likely tell you that they are extremely busy individuals. A lot of students work and go to school at the same time, a lot of students are parents, and every student...

Its time to end gun violence

Jared Gonzales, Contributor November 21, 2017

On Oct. 1, 2017, in Las Vegas, Stephen Paddock opened fire on a large group of concert goers, killing 58 and wounding 527 before killing himself, making it the worst mass shooting in American history. Police...

Scouts rivalry hurts girls who want more

Adrienne Oliva, Editor in Chief November 7, 2017

All I remember about being a Girl Scout is making a “gingerbread” house out of graham crackers and a milk carton, and finding a gun on our nature walk. When I was 5, all I wanted to do was be a...

Victims are silent no more

Melyna Acosta, Staff Writer November 7, 2017

Don’t walk alone at night. Don’t look them in the eye. Don’t wear anything revealing. It’s as if society has made this a norm: don’t provoke. They’ll ask “well what did you expect?” as...

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