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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Take a stand against hate

Clarion Staff Editorial August 28, 2017

To those who are being freshly exposed to The Clarion this semester, and those whom have returned as readers – the “Editorial” section of our newspaper, by definition, is meant to represent the holistic...

No easy solutions when dealing with North Korea

Anne N. Price, Staff Writer August 28, 2017

The actions of President Donald J. Trump are being debated again. Usually, I am all for the protest of Trump and dismantling of his administration’s agenda, but when it comes to North Korea, the situation...

All soldiers deserve support

Brandon Amato, Opinion Editor August 28, 2017

Imagine you’re a soldier in southwest Afghanistan. You’re six months into your third deployment in the conflict-torn country. As bombs go off intermittently in the distance, all you can think about...

Look up from your phone once in a while

Bailey Ayres, Sports Editor May 2, 2017

How often do you look at your phone? Do you feel like you always need your phone close by? You are not alone. A lot of us feel a need to a pull out our phones. Even though you may not have any notifications...

"Little Donnie"

“Little Donnie”

Mark Edwards, Artist May 2, 2017

That’s way too much, especially when 1 in 8 families go hungry

Alison Ahlgrim, News Editor May 2, 2017

Forty percent of food produced in the United States never gets eaten, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). At a time when one in eight families struggles to put food on the table, this...

‘Survivor’ outing was an act of violence

Adrienne Oliva, Staff Writer May 2, 2017

“Survivor,” one of America’s longest running reality TV shows, recently featured an act of violence that disturbed many viewers. Jeff Varner outed his fellow cast mate Zeke Smith as a transgender...

Cuts to after-school funding have a cost

Kaziah J. Anderson, Madison College Student April 18, 2017

Regardless of political beliefs, we all have similar ideals about children’s needs. We want the best education possible for them. We want them to be healthy and well-adjusted in society. We all want...

What is Trump’s strategy in Syria?

Zach Mueth, Staff Writer April 18, 2017

Donald Trump can be described with many different words, but to use the phrase “cool and calculated” would be inaccurate at best. His extremely questionable response to the April 4 chemical weapons...

LGBTQIA+ questions excluded from US Census

Adrienne Oliva, Staff Writer April 18, 2017

The United States Census Bureau has made the decision to exclude proposed questions about gender and sexuality on the 2020 census. This came as a disappointment to many members of the LGBTQIA+ community,...

Don’t reject climate science: GOP environmental plans could place the planet in even greater peril

Don’t reject climate science: GOP environmental plans could place the planet in even greater peril

James Roufus, Staff Writer April 18, 2017

From sea to shining sea, lovers of Mother Earth are under attack like Kenilworth Castle. Not only locally from Gov. Scott Walker and his followers, but from President Donald Trump as well. Back...

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