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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Food is a Human Right: Cutting FoodShare benefits simply punishes people for being poor

Alison Ahlgrim, News Editor March 1, 2017

If access to adequate food is a human right recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, why does Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker think it’s OK to restrict and deny this most basic of human...

Peaceful protests a protected right

Ethan Maurice, Staff Writer February 15, 2017

The First Amendment of the Constitution states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the...

Political Cartoon

Political Cartoon

February 15, 2017

by Micheal Edwards

A nation founded by immigrants

James Roufus, Staff Writer February 15, 2017

News flash right America: you are all immigrants. No European has been or ever will be a native to this beautiful land we call home. Home: A place you feel most comfortable, at least most of the time....

Facing fear and injustice daily

Sedgwick Smith Jr., Managing Editor February 15, 2017

Fear and injustice are two simple words that plague our existence as black men in America. Fear that we can be gunned down at any moment by a man and the public will accept it based on the color of...

Farewell Fire Monkey, hello year of the Fire Rooster

Farewell Fire Monkey, hello year of the Fire Rooster

Carrie J. Puckette, Copy Editor January 31, 2017

Is everyone as glad as I am that 2016 is over? I’m sure you agree that we need a break from a year that was filled with terrorist attacks, the deaths of several beloved celebrities, and an election...

Mannequin Challenge

Ashly Bergholz, Staff Writer January 31, 2017

What do people do in their spare time? Usually, if it is just a few minutes most people check their social media. Every few days or so it seems there is a new “challenge” for people to try. One...

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

January 31, 2017

Michael Edwards/Clarion

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

January 31, 2017

Micheal Edwards/Clarion

Balance only exists if you seek out many perspective

Patience Vallier, Staff Writer January 31, 2017

The conversation about bias in the media tends to begin with a sense of betrayal by the audience. Standard media ethics include the assertion that journalism should not be biased. When a story is covered,...

Goodbye 2016, 2017 is a new opportunity

Sara Hill, Staff Writer January 17, 2017

Finally, 2017 has brought us out of the disaster that was 2016. We collectively cried in outrage as that terrible year took beloved celebrities from us, made a presidential election a long joke, and...

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

Michael Edwards January 17, 2017

Michael Edwards/Clarion

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