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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Wisconsin’s voter ID law aims to suppress certain people’s rights

John Everman, Staff Writer March 23, 2016

Voter ID laws are now in effect across our state. This means that people in Wisconsin hoping to participate in this year’s presidential election will face a new obstacle at the polling stations. All...

An open letter to Trump supporters

Patrick Kempfer, Opinion Editor March 22, 2016

Immigrants (that’s how you spell that word, btw) are coming here for the same reasons your great grandparents came (or however long you can trace your family back), and that’s to make more opportunities...

Positive self-talk can go a long way

Patrick Kempfer, Opinion Editor March 22, 2016

Many people in the recovery community are familiar with the term “character defect,” but what does it mean to have a character defect, really? Well, some might guess we simply developed ways of behaving...

Trump stirs emotions

Arrielle Stewart, Staff Writer March 22, 2016

Now that this hair with a man attached to it (Donald Trump) is running for president, everything that comes out of his mouth is looked at under a microscope, or is it? I have to wonder since people still...

Institutionalized sexism alive and well in Washington

Samantha Temby, Staff Writer March 2, 2016

Earlier this year, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) became another notch in the belt of a long line of government agencies throughout United States history whose aim is to scare women....


Everyone Needs to Feel Connected

Patrick Kempfer, Opinion Editor March 2, 2016

As a person in long-term recovery, recovery from alcohol and other drugs, like heroin, nicotine, and all of the collective events of my life, I am, of course in a state of constant, fluid development....

Smoking still not allowed on campus

Josh Zytkiewicz, Managing Editor March 2, 2016

While walking into the building last Monday, I had to walk past three different individuals who were smoking on campus property. In case you weren’t aware, smoking is not allowed. Smoking has been banned...

Puppy rooms may improve student life

Caylei Wright, Staff Writer March 2, 2016

Puppy rooms are a great way to help improve a students’ day to day life. Having puppy rooms for students to visit has been shown to help with mental and physical health. These rooms can be used to help...

Support the Latino march for equity

Nicolas LaMorte, Editor in chief February 17, 2016

On Feb. 18, at 10 a.m., thousands of people from Madison, Milwaukee and its surrounding communities will gather outside the state capitol building to protest two pieces of legislation. Senate Bill 533...

Recovery Corner: Focus on the little things

Patrick Kempfer, Opinion Editor February 17, 2016

It is so important that we keep our eyes open to see the little occurrences that happen for us, rather than always sharply targeting our stares at the next potential win, loss, or what have you. Too many...

Social media users and sports analysts display a double standard in their reactions to how two quarterbacks have behaved after Super Bowl losses.

Super Bowl role models held to a double standard

Patrick Kempfer, Opinion Editor February 17, 2016

Let’s talk about the public’s reaction to the way two men leave a Super Bowl. On the one side, you’ve got a pure bred southern boy, ripe with all the morals this side of the Mississippi, and on the...

Valentine’s Day can kiss it

Brighid A. Monahan, Staff Writer February 4, 2016

Valentine’s Day, aka the worst day of the entire year, will be here soon. Not only is this mushy, lovey-dovey holiday a pain to any single person, it also takes love and commercializes it. No matter...

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