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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Reaching out can save lives

Patrick Kempfer, Opinion Editor September 16, 2015

The world is a beautiful place, full of love, with many wondrous and exciting adventures awaiting our discovery, but some of us will never learn this fact. There is an alarming number of people who suffer...

Success Tips for Students

Clarion Staff August 25, 2015

New to Madison College? These tips might help you as you try to navigate college for the first time. Having a tight-knit studying schedule that works around other activities such as work, sports,...

National recovery group calls out to young people

Patrick Kempfer, Clarion staff August 25, 2015

In the United States today, there are more than 23 million Americans living in recovery from substance use disorders. That may come as a surprise to many people, including those living in recovery themselves,...

Senate offers students a forum to share their concerns

Amanda Love, Student Senate President August 25, 2015

On behalf of the Student Senate, I would like to welcome you to another year at Madison College. As your elected student representatives, we are working on a number of goals towards improving your experience...

Mick Mathy

Back to school after 30 years

MJ Mathy, Staff Writer August 25, 2015

I really did it this time. Not only did I decide to return to school after a 30 year hiatus, but I have signed on to write for the school newspaper having never worked in the field of journalism. Add...

Posing nude can teach you about body image

Posing nude can teach you about body image

Josh Zytkeiwicz, Staff photographer May 11, 2015

For as long as humans have been making art, they have been depicting the nude human form. The current oldest known piece of figurative art is known as the Venus of Hohle Fels and is estimated to be at...

Madison College has changed my perspective

Mike Alexander, Copy Editor May 11, 2015

This is the first day of the rest of my life. At least, that’s what I told myself the second I stepped off the stage at my high school graduation. It was a very emotional time for me and my friends;...

Will Baltimore be a catalyst for change?

Patrick Kempfer, Copy Editor May 11, 2015

On April 12, 2015, a young man was detained by Baltimore Police for an unknown reason, and placed inside of a police van where he sustained a horrific spinal cord injury that would lead to his untimely...

Recovery happens with the help of your community

Patrick Kempfer, Copy Editor May 11, 2015

Many people claim to know and understand the origins of addiction, while only a few have actually obtained the education to back up those claims. There are many pathways one may use, often unwittingly,...

Time for fraternities, sororities to change

Nicolas LaMorte, Opinion Editor April 24, 2015

From the racist chanting of fraternity members and an unabashedly N-bomb dropping elderly housemother at the University of Oklahoma, to rampant drug and alcohol abuse at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee...

There are many pitfalls of pornography

D.J. Pierce, Managing Editor April 24, 2015

Boobs. They’re everywhere. The IFR estimates that there are over 68 million searches for pornography in the U.S. every day. We see womens’ bodies exploited to sell anything from Skyy Vodka to Liquid...

Despite the bad, pornography does have some benefits

Patrick Kempfer, Copy Editor April 24, 2015

Filth. Smut. Grot. Blue movies. PORN. It has been called many things, but it’s all the same. When it comes down to it, it’s all just a dirty reminder of our sexy, sexy sins. But let’s get real....

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