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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Incidents harming trust of law enforcement

Marisa Comeau-Kerege, Arts Editor December 11, 2014

You have heard about what’s happening in Ferguson, Mo., Cleveland, Ohio, and Staten Island, N.Y. People have died at the hands of police officers, two officers avoided indictment in highly publicized...

More caution needed before deadly force

Joe Pruski, Opinion Editor December 10, 2014

Former Ferguson Police Department officer Darren Wilson told a grand jury that clutching Michael Brown’s arm felt like “a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.” The 6-foot-4-inch 210-pound Wilson...

Student debt illustration

Many millennials hope for loan forgiveness

Mackenzie Smith, Staff Writer November 26, 2014

Today’s economic market is at an even-keel among global, national, and local venues.  To be honest, even-keel is a reserved way of saying America is doing pretty good.  What isn’t at even-keel is...

Misuse of social media refelcts poorly on users

Kenneth Xiong, Staff Writer November 25, 2014

Social media supplies a whole new dimension of connection for the modern age. But the sharing of information doesn’t seem to be many people’s main concern. Social media has become an ego-driven boost...

Time for a cheesesteak illustration

Philly’s finest cheesesteaks

Frederic Hewitt, Sports Editor November 12, 2014

Standing as the fifth largest city in the United States, Philadelphia is known for a multitude of distinctive reasons.  “The City of Brotherly Love” has a significant place in our country’s history...

Car Talk co-host remembered

Joe Pruski, Opinions Editor November 12, 2014

Many of our grandparents may remember gathering around a radio set as small children, listening to classics like Jack Benny, Gunsmoke, and Dragnet. By the mid 1950s, those shows were just a distant echo,...

Understanding feminism

Jessica Keophilavanh, Staff Writer November 12, 2014

Feminism is supposed to symbolize the significance of the advocacy of womens’ rights for equality with men on all levels: political, social, and economic. Yet it has become misused as  ammo to insult...

Remembering veterans

David Feyen, Social Media Editor November 12, 2014

Veteran’s Day is a federal holiday that was created to honor those who served during battles defending the Unites States of America against enemies, foreign and domestic.  More specifically, it celebrates...

Candidates differ on same-sex marriage

Anna Richter, Staff Writer October 29, 2014

My Dads were finally able to legally wed this year thanks to the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage. They already wore gold wedding bands and owned a house together in Madison. To family and...

Endorsement: Mary Burke would move state forward

Joe Pruski, Opinion Editor October 28, 2014

Gov. Scott Walker’s 2014 campaign slogan of “Moving Wisconsin Forward” should be changed. The phrase “Keeping Wisconsin Stagnant” or “A Mediocre Wisconsin” would be a more fitting representation...

Enable students to make healthy meal choices

Natalie Connors, Editor in Chief October 28, 2014

The rumbling in my stomach causes me to pause, and I look up from my keyboard to the clock on the wall – 1:45 p.m. I have been working on this math assignment for the past hour, and it’s definitely...

Gender-neutral restrooms needed

Tannen Todd, Staff Writer October 28, 2014

There are more than 150 schools across the United States hat have gender-neutral bathrooms, and it is time to add one more school to that list.  Madison College, proudly being one of the most diverse...

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