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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Free flu clinic offered at Madison College

Free flu clinic offered at Madison College

Chris Bird, Managing Editor October 14, 2020

The free Student Flu Clinic has opened at Madison College. The first clinic opened at Truax health building on Sept. 29, and to this date there have been four total opportunities for students...

In person performance by Madison College music ensambles like the one pictured above can't currently happen because of COVID-19 pandemic, so the college's music department is developing other ways for students to stay engaged in the activities they enjoy.

Music Department Update 

Anica Graney , Editor-in-Chief  October 14, 2020

Co-Music Director Jamie Kember usually teaches a three-credit course every year at Madison College along with directing jazz ensembles and teaching at LaFollette High School.   “This is...

Size comparison of a softball next to a baseball.

Is Baseball Actually Harder than Softball?

Anica Graney , Editor-in-Chief  October 14, 2020

The age-old question that has turned athlete against athlete, brother against sister: which sport is more difficult, baseball or softball? Baseball players and softball players have been battling against...

Clarion Illustration By Maia Latrhop

Don’t let the cold weather stop you from staying active 

Hannah Dotzler, Copy Editor October 14, 2020

Every year, as the weather is beginning to turn, people often wonder how they will stay active in the colder, fall months. There aren’t as many places to go, and the harsh weather can...

Witte Hall is one of two UW-Madison student dorms that were put under quarantine for two weeks.

UW-Madison Taking Extra Precautions Due to Increase in COVID-19 Cases 

Mackenzie Moore, News Editor September 30, 2020

The University of Wisconsin – Madison faced some backlash when students returned to campus in late August. A week prior, some students, professors, and staff asked for Chancellor Rebecca Blank to move...

PAC Brings Drive-In Movie Night to Campus  

PAC Brings Drive-In Movie Night to Campus  

Paige Zezulka, Copy Editor September 30, 2020

The popular Halloween film “Hocus Pocus” will be featured on the big screen for Madison College’s drive-in movie night on Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. The...

The death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg sparks hypocricy in the Senate

Mackenzie Moore, News Editor September 30, 2020

On Sept. 18, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was the second woman in the history of the United States to serve on the Supreme Court after her appointment during the Clinton administration in...

Madison artist Tony Catteruccia works on an equity mural for the Yahara Journal on Sept. 25.

Art as a medium of change

Anica Graney , Editor-in-Chief  September 30, 2020

The Yahara Journal is teaming up with local artist Tony Catteruccia to create a mural that celebrates racial equity. The mural was painted on Sept. 25 by Catteruccia and the Yahara Journal set up a livestream...

Big Ten football is back

Mackenzie Moore, News Editor September 30, 2020

This summer, before college began around the United States, Big Ten officials voted 11-3 (the three votes in opposition being from Ohio State, Nebraska, and Iowa) to cancel the fall football season due...

The red bags hold up to 10 lbs of food for students available at the college's drive-up food pantry sites.

Curbside due to COVID

Chris Bird, Managing Editor September 16, 2020

The Cupboard Student Food Pantries opened up for the semester on Sept. 1 at Truax Campus and Sept. 3 at Goodman South Campus. The food pantry services, which first started at Truax almost...


Kyle Kunz, Sports Editor  September 16, 2020

At 8:46 am E.T. on September 11, 2001 American Airlines Flight 11 struck the north tower of the World Trade Center. 17 minutes later at 9:03 a second plane hits the south tower. Smoke and flames are seen...

A mural on a wall in Brooklyn, N.Y., reminds people of the importance of love.

Love Trumps Money  

Paige Zezulka, Copy Editor September 16, 2020

Love is something that exists deep within all living creatures. It is a natural occurring essence, flowing ever so freely inside of us constantly. It is a core part of our being that brings affection to...

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