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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The Phi Theta Kappa honor society held its induction ceremony at the Truax Campus on Nov. 6.

Phi Theta Kappa holds induction ceremony

Clarion Staff Report November 14, 2023

Madison College’s chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society inducted 124 new members during a ceremony in Mitby Theater on Nov. 9. In addition, the group recognized 13 instructors and staff members...

Alice in Dairyland Ashley Hagenow joins students and staff from the Bakery and Decorative Arts Program for a photograph. Pictured are, front row, from left: Maddie Wilson, Hailey Barrett, Meghan Reiche, Anabel Imhoff, Ashley Hagenow, Ashley Varholik, MC Mueller and Kaya Luo; back row, from left: Madeline Walstad, Evelyn Byrnes, Maddie Housley, Michele Mendez Tapia, Briana Jackson, Lela Vue, Jordan Keehn and Cheryl Weise.

Alice in Dairyland visits Madison College

Jennifer L. Bock, Madison College Baking & Decorative Arts Student November 14, 2023

The Madison College Baking Lab recently had a special visitor – the 76th Alice in Dairyland, Ashley Hagenow – who spent quality time with students in the Bakery and Decorative Arts Program. After serendipitously...

A Gathering of Rogues & Ruffians, a Renaissance Faire like no other, celebrated its 15th year at Circus World in Baraboo.

A Gathering of Rogues & Ruffians

Sierra Brunner, Staff Writer November 14, 2023

In a charming countryside nestled amidst rolling hills, a vibrant and enchanting event recently took place, captivating the hearts and minds of all who attended. A Gathering of Rogues & Ruffians, a...

Coach Logan Fye, left, and Athletic Director Jason Verhelst, right, recognize Gabe Voung for his record-setting efforts prior to the team’s final match.

35 reasons to be glad he played

Taylor Kaufmann, Staff Writer November 14, 2023

A little more than two years ago, Gabe Voung thought his soccer career might come to a close after high school. Now he is Madison College’s career leader in goals scored and hopes to continue his playing...

Clarion reporters Kai Brito, left, and Kodiak Koessl, center, interview State Rep. Dave Murphy on Assembly Bill 381 which covers an expansion of Wisconsin Grants and Financial Aid Modernization.

Wisconsin wants to modernize financial aid for college students

Kai Brito, Copy Editor October 17, 2023

Wisconsin legislators are proposing changes to Wisconsin’s financial aid processes that would expand eligibility to more students, thereby increasing affordability and accessibility to students. The...

Samantha Moen is the associate manager of the Madison College Veterans Resource Services program.

Providing friendly support for veterans

Bradley Burt, Business Director October 17, 2023

On Nov. 11, each year, America honors veterans on Veterans Day. At Madison College, Veterans Resources Services (VRS) honors them each day by providing support for college readjustment success. Readjustment...

Prioritize preventative care

Prioritize preventative care

Kelly Feng, Editor in Chief October 17, 2023

Every October, we see a sea of pink ribbons spotlighting breast cancer awareness. Awareness is more than wearing pink, appearing at a fundraiser, receiving swag or running a charity race. Awareness...

The work of Madison-based artist Roberto Torres Mata has been on display in the Truax Gallery. The exhibit is titled, “Mi Casa Es Su Casa / My Home is Your Home.”

Immersive works of Roberto Torres Mata

Paul Becker, Arts Editor October 17, 2023

Madison-based artist Roberto Torres Mata’s art exhibit in the Truax gallery, “Mi Casa Es Su Casa / My Home is Your Home,” is a collaborative effort with writers and textile artisans from Oaxaca,...

Madison College’s Gabe Voung, right, is now the career goals leader with 34.

Voung sets new scoring record in WolfPack win

Clarion Staff Report October 17, 2023

Gabe Voung scored two goals against College of Lake County on Oct. 14 leading the Madison College men’s soccer team to a 6-1 victory and set a new school record. Voung is now the team’s all-time leading...

Madison College student Amelia Roys shares her experience participating in high school sports as public testimony in opposition to Assembly Bill 377.

Madison College Students Protest Anti-Trans Legislation 

Kai Brito, Copy Editor October 5, 2023

 Two Madison College students testified at the Wisconsin State Capitol in defense of transgender rights to participate in sports at the K-12 and collegiate levels, as well as access gender-affirming medical...

Students visit the STEM Center open house at the Truax Campus earlier this month.

STEM Center open house forges curiosity

Amelia Mieczkowski, Staff Writer September 26, 2023

The STEM Center kicked off its Open House on Sept. 7 with refreshments, science-logic-based board games, drawing with 3-D pens, a 'swag' giveaway and their newest technological editions on display.    Visitors...

Brittany Czarnecki, a peer coordinator student employee, assists students in the college's Career and Employment Center.

Student employment opportunities

Kelly Feng, Editor in Chief September 26, 2023

Once students settle into the school year routines, they often consider part-time employment, and there is no shortage of job opportunities on the Madison College campuses.  Campus jobs are a great...

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