The Yahara Journal hopes to inspire creativity and introduce Madison College students to the literary and art world through various events and contests throughout the academic year.
Who can join your group? Anyone with an interest in helping students express their creativity is free to join the Yahara Journal staff!
When and where does the club meet? To include as many people as possible, the Yahara Journal holds two meetings a week on Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. and Fridays at 11 a.m. Group members can pick the option that best fits their schedule.
What are some of the events and activities your club hosts throughout the year? Yahara Journal holds visual media and writing contests, open mics, guest poet readings, fun promotional tabling events like “Poetry-on-Demand” and more! The Yahara Journal also participates in Madison College events like WolfPack Welcome and Campus Fun Day. Watch out for our Scary Story and Artwork Contest in October.
Why should students join this club? If you’re passionate about the arts and want to help create opportunities for other students to express themselves, then drop by one of our meetings! We are a welcoming group that values each other’s input and uniqueness. As most of the Yahara Journal’s staff are writers or artists, we encourage and support each other throughout our creative endeavors. We usually mix a little fun in with business during our meetings and try to keep things stress-free and upbeat.
Who is the club advisor(s) and what’s their email? Doug Kirchberg is the Yahara Journal’s advisor. He can be reached at [email protected].
Where can students get more information about your club? Students interested in Yahara Journal events can check the new WolfPackConnect app for updates about events. We have promotional tabling such as “Poetry-on-Demand” outside of Student Life and the cafeteria to help promote upcoming events. Check bulletin boards and flyers around campus for Yahara Journal news. You can email our editor Aleah Mulgrew at [email protected] for more information or drop by for a meeting.