The seasons are changing, and with that comes a change in the weather, often affecting our immune systems. College students in particular need to take care of themselves. With our packed schedules, we often ignore our health and well-being.
Madison College makes it easy for students to access needed health and wellness services. All college students enrolled in college-level degree credit classes online or meeting at a Madison campus will has access to health care services with a valid OneCard.
Many services are available with no out-of-pocket costs.
Staffed by Group Health Cooperative (GHC), the clinic treats many common conditions such as:
- Cold and flu-like symptoms/fever
- Ear or eye issues
- Allergies
- Injuries
- Stitches
- X-Rays
- Infections
While there are many free services, some of the following services are available at a low cost:
- Immunizations are not covered but are available at a reduced fee
- Titer testing is an additional cost, while Q Gold for TB is available for a reduced fee
- COVID and flu testing is only for those patients who are symptomatic
If you’re feeling out of sorts, you can access the website Student Clinic Information. Students with a GHC Number can schedule an appointment by calling (608) 441-3220.
Students without a GHC number should call (608) 251-4138 to enroll.
The Madison College Community Clinic is located on the first floor of the Health Education & Information Technology Building (1705 Hoffman Street, Madison, WI 53704) at the Madison College Truax Campus, room 151A.
Madison College students may utilize many services at no out-of-pocket costs, while some additional services are available at a Madison College discounted rate.
Clinic hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.