The purpose/mission of La Raza Unida is to give its members, Latine and/or allies, a space to teach and show passion for student’s diverse cultures without judgment, and provide a safe, welcoming environment that encourages individuality and is actively resistant to oppression on the Madison College campus.
Who can join your club? Anyone! We highly encourage Latine students and allies to join our club.
When and where does the club meet? We meet in the Intercultural Exchange every Wednesday at 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

What are some of the events and activities your club hosts throughout the year? We host a number of events throughout the fall and spring semesters here at Madison College. Some examples are: The Hispanic Heritage Month kick off in the Intercultural Exchange with authentic food, loteria and Bolivian dancers. Another is a Dia de Los Muertos event and observation where we create an ofrenda for our loved ones, and paint our own sugar skulls. Not only do we hold cultural events but we also offer our members informational meetings like a FAFSA/Scholarship workshop led by our financial coach and friend, Alejandra Bridges, and a self defense seminar during the spring, plus many more resources and volunteer opportunities! It is also important to mention that we collaborate with other identity based clubs such as the GSA and NASA. We also take our students on a trip during the spring semester. Last year we went to Chicago where we met a famous Latino artist and muralist, and explored Latino art. These were only a few, we had plenty more you’ll have to come check out this year!
Why should students join this club? La Raza Unida is a safe space for people of all walks of life. There is a zero tolerance rule for discrimination to any group of people for any reason. Students should join because our club has worked for years to create a safe but fun environment where everyone feels like a friend or family. You can feel the warmth and hear the laughter during our meetings and events. If you are looking for a place to belong, look no further, we’re excited and waiting for you to join us.
Who is the club advisor(s) and what’s their email? Our club advisor is Alex Gillis and his email is [email protected].
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your club? La Raza Unida is incredibly inclusive, but aside from that, we are also incredibly student forward and constantly shape and reshape our club to fit the student body that is participating each year. We have countless leadership opportunities, volunteer opportunities, and are incredibly connected around campus. We have a lot of fun, but we are driven by a purpose to make change on campus and to be leaders. Leadership consistently directs decisions toward the greater group, and this leads to a unique and special experience every year. If you wish to join La Raza Unida, you too, will make a difference in the club, and make it your own. It is incredibly individualistic, and welcoming, and in that, we create a group with a strong bond that continues to make La Raza the unique club that it is.
Where can students get more information about your club? You can find more information on our club on our website You can also join our club on WolfPack Connect, or follow us on Instagram, @larazaunidamc. Another way is by emailing our advisor Alex at [email protected], emailing president of the club, Luis, at [email protected], or emailing our treasurer, Cole, at [email protected]. Any of these three can provide you with more information. Also by joining our club on wolfpack connect and instagram@larazaunidamc.