Phi Theta Kappa membership is one of the highest honors awarded to 2-year college students and it is important for students to recognize the legitimacy and value of membership.
PTK membership invitations are sent at the beginning of each academic term to students who have earned at least a 3.50 cumulative GPA in 12 or more college degree credits. Nearly 2,000 students were invited to become members this fall.
Our membership fee is a one-time, lifetime amount of $75. We typically have around 400 to 500 PTK members enrolled each fall/spring term.
Members are invited to use PTK benefits in the areas of scholarship, leadership, fellowship and service by engaging in our President’s Challenge Enhanced Membership Program. This chapter-exclusive PTK program was started by Dr. Daniels, who is a member of PTK. He recognizes the value of membership and encourages students to engage with their PTK benefits to earn digital badges, awards and prizes.
Each year, PTK does two community service projects. Any student can get involved in either. This year’s college project defined with guidance from Executive Vice-President Dr. Casper seeks to establish a robust student-lead organization support mental health for all students. We have started our Active Minds club and are starting to develop training, activities and resources to support mental health.
Our second Honors in Action project is a full academic research project which then defines our community service action. This year, our action project will incorporate the art and science of play into the architecture and design of several places at the college.
Members are not required to be involved in the President’s Challenge or PTK projects. But with so many benefits and prizes, why not. We even have a pre-member program for those who may not quite have enough credits or the GPA to qualify for membership.
Learn more by joining the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society group on WolfPack Connect, visiting the PTK webpage at or email us at [email protected].