The Programs & Activities Council (PAC) encourages a sense of community and provides a holistic college experience through involvement in our campus activities. PAC provides Madison College students engagement opportunities focusing on five key categories: community and family, diversity and inclusion, education, entertainment, and health and wellness.
Who can join your group? Currently enrolled Madison College students.
When and where does the group meet? We meet in person at the Truax Campus room C2442 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
What are some of the events and activities your club hosts throughout the year? Campus Fun Days, Movie Paint Party, Schuster’s Farm Corn Maze, Turkey Bingo, Cookie Decorating, Stress Less Wellness Bags and many more.
Why should students join this club? Students should join to further engage with campus activities and programs to develop a sense of community and belonging within the student body. Build a network with other students to gain awareness of various opportunities at the campus to promote personal and professional success.
Who is the club advisor? Pang Xiong is the advisor and her e-mail is [email protected].
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your club? We welcome new ideas and look forward seeing your involvement at our next event!
Where can students get more information about your club? Join our student group in WolfPack Connect and follow us on social media: FaceBook and Instagram