The MATC Psychedelic Club is for “psychedelic-minded” students to meet students with similar mindsets and expand on their psychedelic knowledge. Also, to enlighten each other to the expansive world of psychedelics and their connection to mental health, personal development/growth, and well-being.
Who can join your club? Anyone and everyone can join. You can drop into one meeting or come to all! Students who are curious to learn about psychedelics should come to a meeting! You don’t need to be experienced with psychedelics to come to meetings.
When and where does the club meet? Meetings are held every Monday at 3 p.m. in room 100A in Health Education building or the lobby (not by Starbucks). Paint nights are off campus.
What events and activities does your club host throughout the year? Each week, we have a topic: “Psychedelics and ___,” and we do a popcorn style conversation. We do paint nights, like the one coming up on Sat, Nov. 18. We also have speakers come in to share their experiences or empirical work or just something to add value to our psychedelic conversations. We will do some type of movie night, where we watch videos about psychedelic subjects.
Why should students join this club? Students should join because they can connect with other people who share the same interest in such a taboo subject. We connect students who are passionate about the healing powers of psychedelics to sources of higher education and other aspects of the psychedelic space.
Who is the club advisor(s) and what’s their email? Eugenia Friedman, [email protected].
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your club? It is not illegal to talk about psychedelics. We are getting rid of the mass-spread, false stigma around psychedelics and restoring the intrinsic healing nature of these medicines. Help spread the positivity that comes with these plants.
Where can students get more information about your club? We have a discord channel and an Instagram page. For a link to the discord, email Angelo at [email protected]. You can find us on Instagram at ajs.psychedelics