Thursday, January 25, 2024, 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Microsoft Teams| Truax: C2402
Chairperson: Senate President Jovhany Michaud
Order of Business
I. Call to Order – President Michaud called the meeting to order at 4:34 PM Central Time
II. Roll Call – VP Brito completed the roll call. Refer to the attendance document in SharePoint.
III. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – President Michaud
Motion made by VP Joof to approve the previous meeting minutes, seconded by Sen. Her. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Reading & Approval of Meeting Agenda – President Michaud
Motion made by Sen. Koessl to approve the meeting agenda, seconded by Sen. Malone.
VP Crowder would like to make a friendly amendment to the agenda to include “Discussion to appoint Kennedy Washington to Student Senate” under New Business, seconded by VP Brito. Accepted by Sen. Koessl.
Motion passed unanimously.
V. Public Comments
a. Ali Zarrinnam, VP Institutional Effectiveness (20 min.)
Ali Zarrinnam, VP Institutional Effectiveness stated that Institutional Effectiveness (IE) is defined as engaging in ongoing and systematic assessment of how Madison College is achieving its mission and goals. This involves decision support through strategic use of data, lead the College’s data governance structure, College-wide research initiatives and compliance reporting, college’s annual assessment and unit planning, compliance with the criterion of accreditation, public record requests and Appellate office and Achieving the Dream.
Achieving the Dream is an initiative, a huge college-wide initiative around the college to concentrate on increasing success of black and brown students at the college.
Institutional Research and Data Management provides decisions to administration, faculty, and staff for data analytics, research, and analysis.
Institutional Effectiveness assesses previous unit goals. All goal setting and associated activities are done through an Equity & Inclusion Lens.
Madison College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. They accredit colleges and universities in 19 states. There are 3 pathways to accreditation, and they include the following: Standard Pathway, AQIP Pathway and Open Pathway. Open Pathway is a 10-year cycle with an Assurance Review in Year 4, Comprehensive Evaluation in Year 10 and Quality Initiative Years 5-7.
The Quality Initiative identified sections in English and Math with embedded tutors & introduce embedded tutors to classrooms.
VP Brito wanted to know why are you focusing on one particular group of people? Why don’t you want women to succeed? Why don’t you want people who aren’t black and red to succeed?
Ali Zarrinnam specified that not all students succeed at the same rate. He stated that this is not a 2023problem, it is a 1985 problem, a 1995 problem, a 2020 problem and a 2024 problem. We achieved Achieving the Dream because it is an organization that has been working on this for 20 years with some success, not overall success.
VP Crowder wondered if you can give me some examples of what courses has the embedded tutors in there?
Ali Zarrinnam stated that they choose Math and English classes because we call them gateway classes. This would include English 1, Elementary Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra. Two of those classes are call ALP and AMP. These are classes for developmental students in one class. Students. knock out more credits more credits with that one class.
There are embedded tutor classes outside of what we talked about with these 5 English classes that we are working on piloting. These will be in psychology classes, in AMP classes and writing classes. For the spring semester we have 121 students that are in these classes.
b. Community College Study of Student Engagement (CCSSE), Zong Her (Manager, IRDM) and Ali Zarrinnam (VP Institutional Effectiveness) (30 min.)
Zong Her mentioned road shows which is where you are going out there, reaching out to people and telling everybody about this particular study. This study is going to be done in February from February 9-March 8 which is a three-week timeframe. It was conducted previously in 2013.
The student engagement study is called CCSSE, and the four-year counterpart is called NESSIE. CCSSE is for community colleges where 240-250 colleges that are two-year nationwide have their students take the survey. This was developed by the University of Texas-Austin and measures meaningful educational activities both inside and outside the classroom. This information will be collected from 11,000 of our students this spring. Some of the surveys will be focused on the academic advancement area, which is developmental education. It will allow us to get performance benchmarks performance against out other peers and the national standard.
VP Brito wanted to know if we are attached to the timeline on that survey. He wondered if there is any way to extend it somehow where we have our Senate election. Zong Her specified that with the timeline since we have to work with an external vendor, CCSSE which is the University of Texas which is the one that turns it on and off for us.
VI. Reports of Officers, Advisors, & Standing Committees
a. Executive Council & President Report (5 min) – Pres. Michaud
- Senate’s Current roster – We have some people who left us at the end of the semester, and we lost another senator this week as well. In addition, we only have 1 Senator at our regional campuses and all other campuses are vacant.
- Shared governance vacancies – We have to be focused on to fill out because that is how we show Senate to the college: IT Council, Student affairs council, Parent support group, Academic Council, Transportation analysis
- Senate Committee – Is our internal committee which does not have a maximum amount of people. Everybody can sit on any committee if they are not nominated to it.
- Membership – Attendance: if you are not there it is going to count against you. Office hours: We were not active last week because they were not required. Just opened on Monday. You have to put in your office hours.
- General assembly – Attendance: The General Assembly, you are late will be classified if the roll call is done. If you cannot be here, you can let us know that you are not going to be here. This can be an excused or unexcused absence. An excused absence would be considered as an emergency illness.
- Pell Grant and Snap benefit feedback should be directed to the Senate President
- Robert rules – We are going to follow Robert’s Rules. If we are going to suspend it someone has to make a motion.
b. Administration & Finance Committee (3 min) – VP Brito
- New meeting time for Finance Committee meeting will be on Mondays @3:30-4:30pm, weekly or as needed.
- Friendly reminder that Senate members should submit written reports to Michael Malone, Senate Communications Coordinator.
- Preliminary Meeting minutes and agenda will be sent out by noon on Tuesday for review by Senate members, then will be sent to The Clarion for publication in the weekly newsletter. Additionally, we will be sharing the agenda and meeting minutes in-person on the Senate office door and online on WolfPack Connect.
- While working with Grace Zongo of Executive Leadership Team, we noticed that we need additions funding in order to fulfill student club funding requests. We will be making a request to the SAB (Student Activities Board) for the additional
- For the Three-Year Plan, I would like to expand our Goal #1 Transportation to Sustainability, which offers a holistic approach to multiple issues, which can include transportation as well as other ideas like recycling initiatives and renewable energy systems. Additionally, I would like to add either Alumni Relations or International Student Initiatives as sections of our Three-Year Plan.
c. Legislative Affairs Committee (3 min) – VP Joof
I am working with Advisor Green to send out a letter for the upcoming WSG annual legislative seminar. The legislative committee is down to one member. We will be looking forward to interested senators to be nominated and assigned to join our team. Our upcoming meeting is on Wednesday at 11 a.m. every other week. Thank you!
d. Team Development Committee (3 min) – VP Crowder
VP Crowder stated that Team Development will be scheduling a meeting shortly. We are just trying to find a time when a majority of us could meet or at least are required members. The meetings will also be recorded in case there is anyone who wants to go back and see what we have going on.
c. Public Relations Committee (3 min) – Vacant
e. Advisor Report (5 min) – Advisor Green
Advisor Green stated that we should just do what needs to be done such as meeting with the Executive Council, getting ready for things that are coming up such as the Three-Year Plan and elections, and WSG Meeting.
VII. Reports from Special & Select Committees
a. Student Activities Board (3 min) – VP Brito
- Our next meeting will be on Friday, Jan 26th 1:30-3:30pm.
b. Textbook Affordability Committee (3 min) – Sen. Sierra Brunner
c. Regional Outreach and Engagement Committee (3 min.) – Sen. Malone
- Our first meeting of the Spring Semester will be this Friday, January 26th, 2024, at noon.
d. Transportation Analysis Committee (3 min.) – Vacant
e. Student Parent Support (3 min.) – VP Crowder
VP Crowder stated that they are looking for a second Student Senate member to be on the Parent Support Committee. It would be ideal if you had children, but you don’t necessarily need to have children. They are currently in the process of doing a survey that is going to go out to all students as well as faculty and staff within the college. We are looking at childcare or a policy for children on campus in general.
Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 7th, 2024, at 11:00am.
f. Public Safety Advisory Committee (3 min.) – Sen. Koessl
No Report. Our next meeting will be held on Friday, January 26th, 2024, at 11:00am.
VIII. Reports from Regional & Metro Campuses
a. Reedsburg (3 min) – Sen. Staci Brunner
b. Watertown (3 min.) – Vacant
c. Portage (3 min.) – Vacant
d. Fort Atkinson (3 min.) – Vacant
e. Goodman South (3 min) – Vacant
IX. Reports from College Assembly & Shared Governance Councils
a. College Assembly (5 min) – Sen. Her
Senator Her specified that they reviewed the guiding principles of shared governance which is centered on the needs of students. The first is representation which includes a system to find a timely way to have things run on time. In addition, number four focuses on accessibility where you are open to change and communication, number five promotes work that is meaningful, and number six centers on active engagement.
b. Academic Council (3 min) – Vacant
c. Diversity & Community Relations Council (3 min) – VP Crowder
VP Crowder stated they had a training on December 15th that came in to talk to us and helps us to look at ways of looking at the information. It was an accountability workshop to look at ways of how to positively look at accountability options within the college.
Our next meeting will be February 7th at 2:00PM.
d. Facilities, Planning, & Investment Council (3 min) – Sen. Willis
Our first meeting of the semester will be held on Wednesday, February 7th, 2024, at 2:00PM.
Sen. Koessl heard that in automotive, the men’s bathroom doors have about a 2/3-inch gap in them when they are shut, and they will not stay shut.
e. Finance Council (3min) – VP Brito
- We will be presenting two issues to the February College Assembly on Wednesday, Feb. 14th, Employee Apparel Policy & Tuition Refund Drop Deadlines.
- The Employee Apparel Policy includes updating the Handbook information regarding uniforms to be in compliance with IRS guidelines.
- The Finance Council will be taking up the following question: What is an appropriate drop deadline for students to receive a 100% tuition refund that both prioritizes student needs and adheres to WTCS and District tuition and fee refund regulations?
- Our next meeting is Friday, Feb. 23rd from 10am-11:30am.
f. Information Technology Council (3 min) – Vacant
g. Institutional Effectiveness Council (3 min) – Sen. Koessl
Hi, everybody and thank you for granting me the floor yet again as we heard from my esteemed chair Ali. Today we are working on accreditation and of course CCSSE is coming up. So, looking forward to that. Looking forward to spreading the message to that and our meeting schedule is a little variable right now.
Our meetings are currently being held on Thursdays at 1:00PM every other week. They are being held on Mondays right now, so I cannot make it until February, but like there is one meeting I am going to miss.
h. Student Affairs Council (3 min) – Vacant
VI. Unfinished Business
a. Closing Vice President of Public Relations Nominations – President Michaud
President Michaud asked if there was anybody who wants to nominate anybody for the position of Vice President of Public Relations. We are officially closing the Vice President of Public Relation Nomination at 5:15PM. In addition, we only have two candidates, and they include Sen. Malone & Sen. Koessl.
VII. New Business
a. Electing a New Vice President of Public Relations – President Michaud
According to Ellie, who I spoke to today about this, it’s 5 minutes to present yourself and 5 minutes of questioning.
Sen. Koessl made a motion to alternate questioning during the Election of Vice President of Public Relations, seconded by Sen. Clearwater.
VP Crowder as part of discussion wanted us to be consistent with the way that we did it last time which was each party talking for 5 minutes. Then the questions being presented to the parties at the same time as part of a friendly amendment, accepted by Sen. Koessl.
VP Crowder will make a motion to table Public Relations Election for 10 minutes & discussion of three-year plan, seconded by Sen. Koessl. Motion passed unanimously.
Sen. Koessl started out by saying good evening, everyone. This is a historic moment so let us get everything clear here. We are going for Vice President of Public Relations and what are some of the duties of this position? The most well-known is obviously the social media impact. We have some social media stars in the room that I hope to learn from such as Kai Brito (Instagram), and Maggie Joof.
Events coordinating is another duty, and I am not necessarily experienced in coordinating, but I know that we have Annette Crowder on the team who is very experienced in event coordinating and that is a skill that I need to learn.
What are some of the positions that I have held that make me qualified to be the Vice President of Public Relations now? One thing that I would say something like General Senator and I will because it’s given me the ability to work with very diverse groups of people to understand their needs, and that’s something that the Vice President of Public Relations needs very much to understand what the student body wants and needs and be able to craft a message from us.
The Student Senate that will actually reach their ears, but we need to be one voice because we are one Senate. They are one student body, and we cannot keep looking at them. We cannot keep looking at them like they are this demographic and that demographic and that demographic which they are, and that is beautiful. But they are also one student body, and we represent all of them together.
So how do we do that? We have to understand what all of them want and all of them need, and that is a very complex task which by committee and I will be tackling now, we also have upcoming elections and CCSSE coming up to very, very important issues as we see, got a couple of open seats now this is an issue, not a not the most major of issues, but it’s a major issue.
So how do we handle that? We need to be out there talking to students all the time. I spent anywhere from two to three hours in the last two days out there. It is just going table to table being like hey, so I am from Student Senate.
How can we make this campus better for you? I will talk to diesel tech, vet tech, photography people, and digital media. Digital media needs more iPads and cameras since they got like less than five total per rental in their program.
I intend to bring as Vice President of Public Relations, a more holistic approach and approach that says we need to see everyone. We need to see the LGBTQ community, African American community, Immigrant community, Asian community, we need to see everyone.
My name is Michael Malone. I am a General Senator for the Student Senate. In addition, I have held many positions, and been on many committees such as the Public Relations Committee and Team Development Committee. I have assisted on the Legislative Affairs Committee and give them my input on the Public Safety Advisory Committee as well.
Outside of that, I’m learning how to be more diverse with other groups within the college that goes to the potential cultural sensitivity training that we’re trying to get set up to kind of understand those differences among different groups and how we can kind of bridge that gap of truly understanding what everybody’s wants and needs are.
I definitely want to get myself out there more to see what the student body wants and needs by interacting with them more and truly understanding what their concerns are and actually advocating for those concerns.
Sen Wilkin asked Mike that you listed all the things that you do and like quite frankly, you seem overqualified and that is awesome. But with being in so many things, taking on like a bigger role in the Senate, do you have enough time to do everything?
I appreciate the question. That is something that has been brought up to me by numerous individuals such as former Advisor Ellie Rome and our very own VP Kai Brito as well. Although I have all that stuff I know going into a position such as this, I would have to step back from certain obligations or responsibilities so that I’m not overburdening myself because as I know, as it’s always stated, you know you are a student first and then all that other stuff just kind of falls in line.
So, I have to dedicate enough time management to my studies as well as being successful in that job. I’m not gonna say which ones I would step back from at this point, but I have evaluated certain ones that would make sense.
VP Brito knows that I am not planning on saying that, but can you please actually say because this is a moment where you vote for you based on that information. So right now, if I had to step back from any committees, they would be the additional ones that I have added on from my original ones. So, I would step back, possibly from Legislative Affairs and Team Development.
Sen. Clearwater wanted to know how do you plan on integrating the work you already do into this position or vice versa?
Sen. Koessl is Co-Anchor with Kylie Phillips of the Broadcast News at the Clarion. He sees wonderful things working with the Clarion to both bring forward a new radio message on the weekly or issue dependent newsletters to hopefully get some video out there from the broadcast from the Clarion, obviously network with people like you and Kai. He would love to bring the broadcast back and work as Chair of the Public Safety Advisory Committee.
Sen. Malone stated that one of the things that he would do so that we’re like integrating everybody into the processes we need to continue to do a better job of reaching out to our regional campuses, making sure that everyone is involved, that their opinions are being heard, that we’re promoting events and stuff that they want to see on those campuses and actually still getting that type of feedback where we’re being all inclusive of everybody’s voice, not just a select few.
VP Brito referred to goal number of the three-year plan, how do you plan to you know actually complete it given the role that your about to accept campus visits?
Sen. Koessl referred to campus visits and really, really, really wants to do this. He will drive.
Sen. Malone stated that it would be along the same lines doing more, getting more out to the campuses, especially the ones that have not been visited like Portage and Reedsburg, which is what I have been trying to do. And then having more interaction also with all campus managers, making sure that their concerns on stuff, especially as it relates to Public Safety, are being heard and resolved in a way that we can do that, not possibly.
Michael Malone has been appointed to Vice President of Public Relations.
b. Discussion of three-year plan – VP Brito
VP Brito would like to make a motion to suspend Roberts Rules for 10 minutes, seconded by VP Crowder. Motion passed unanimously.
- Goal #1: Transportation
- Goal #2: Goodman South and Campus Outreach and Advocacy
- Goal #3: DEIAB Coordinator (Achieved in 2023)
- Goal #1 Expansion: Sustainability Operations, which includes Campus-wide Policy Review, Renewable Energy Studies, and Transportation Services Analysis
- Goal # 3 (New): Alumni Relations
- Goal # 3 (New): International Students
- Goal # 3 (New): Financial Aid & Book Charge
Dental Hygiene & Nursing Students (scrubs and other things that they are required to buy)
Salon Students (gigantic kit for program)
Diesel (are there tools provided by the program or do they have to purchase their tools)
Sustainability includes transportation, recycling, renewable energy and other potential ideas
VP Crowder made a motion to extend the time of discussion by 10 minutes, seconded by Sen. Clearwater. Motion passed unanimously.
c. Discussion to appoint Kennedy Washington to Student Senate – 5 mins
Kennedy Washington would be a good candidate for Senate because she tries to understand everything, and is really good about giving information.
VP Crowder wondered Ms. Washington she can talk about her leadership experience. She is a RISE SAB (Student Activities Board) Member and BSU (Black Student Union) as the Communications Coordinator. She will also be the Vice President of First Gen.
VP Brito wanted to know if you can talk about some issues that you are really passionate about.
Kennedy Washington has been elected as a General Senator to the Madison College Student Senate.
VIII. Non-Business | Housekeeping
IX. Announcements
a. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 8th in room C2402 at 4:30PM
X. Adjournment
Motion made by Sen. Koessl to adjourn the meeting, seconded by VP Brito. The motion was carried out unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM Central Time.