“As an international student who loves electronics, I did not enjoy my high school life much in Burkina Faso because I could not find anyone or any club who shared my interest,” says Grace Zongo. However, Zongo joined the STEM Club at Madison College. The club changed his outlook, making a huge difference in his motivation.
Now, as the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) development coordinator, Zongo brings that experience to other students by helping them join, start, or manage club activities in the Student Life Office. He and Mackenzie Carstens, the ELT club marketing coordinator, explain the way to start your own club as a Madison College student.
First, check WolfPack Connect to see if there is already a club with the same interest. Go to the WolfPack Connect homepage and click the drop-down menu labeled “groups.” Here you can search for than 50 Madison College clubs.
If no club in that area of interest exists, then it is time to find other students who might be interested in being members of your new club. To be official, a club needs at least five members. And two of the five must serve as club officers.
Collaborating on projects with peers and belonging to a community with the same passion as mine improved my academic performance and made me optimistic about a future where I can achieve my goals. — Grace Zongo
Once you have a roster of students, you need an advisor who is a Madison College faculty or staff member. Explain your club idea to them and any expectations you may have.
Then, there is a simple application process on WolfPack Connect. The application is important because it will help inform other students about your club idea and special interests.
Zongo and Carstens encourage students to start clubs because a club is an opportunity to become a leader, connect with like-minded people, collaborate and share knowledge or experiences.
If you need help with the process, ELT can provide support. The ELT mission is to provide Madison College Clubs with the tools, resources and knowledge to run effective, fun and long-lasting groups that will benefit the students at Madison College.
ELT can help with every detail, including getting started on WolfPack Connect.
WolfPack Connect is a hub for club information and is where you will post your club’s mission statement. This helps other students learn about your club.
WolfPack Connect is Madison College’s online space for club activities. This is where clubs can organize, advertise events, have new members sign up and submit club funding requests. WolfPack Connect also includes club leadership training which will help students navigate the club leadership nuances.
If you want to expand your club participation, ELT can help you with that as well. They have helped all kinds of clubs. Some examples include the Madison College Running Club, Aviation Club, Democracy Club, Four Lakes Anthropological Society, and Parenting Student Club.
The ELT has open office hours in the Student Life Office at Truax or virtually. They can help in a variety of areas including:
- Budgeting – ELT helps with budget tutorials on WolfPack Connect.
- Finding an advisor – Advisors (faculty or instructors) volunteer for the role of club advisors. If you cannot find an advisor, you can email [email protected] and let them know. They will help you find an instructor or faculty who can serve your club with guidance to approach college rules and regulations with success.
- Where to advertise – Club leaders and members can advertise on WolfPack Connect, put up flyers on campus or submit a form to The Clarion.
- Expenses – Clubs can submit funding requests on WolfPack Connect.