The Madison College Beta Beta Psi Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society won multiple awards at the recent Wisconsin Region conference, including the 5-Star Chapter award, which is the highest achievement recognition through PTK.
The awards won were tied to the outstanding work the students accomplished with two main projects. They took a first-place award for their efforts launching a peer-supported mental wellness program and a second-place award for work done enhancing the college’s reflection room.
As part of their Mental Wellness College project, the Madison College chapter:
- Chartered a college chapter of Active Minds and an associated student club.
- Hosted a professional development training on techniques for students to use when supporting peers with mental wellness challenges.
- Developed a resource guide about six habits for good mental wellness including references to college-provided resources.
- Held a workshop where students created, decorated, and filled their own “self-care jar” with motivating messages and mental well-being activities.
For their Honors in Action Project, they devised a plan to implement elements of “play” to the college’s reflection room. As a result, artificial plants, plant wall decals, a sound machine, and galaxy light are being installed.
Four other awards were received:
- First place, Distinguished Chapter Member: Barbara Gray
- Second place, Distinguished Chapter Officer: Morgan Witthun
- First place, Horizon Award for Regional Support: Chapter Advisor Marty Crabbs
- Third place, Distinguished Chapter.