What is the name of your club?
Madison Ultimate Frisbee Club
What is the club’s mission or purpose?
To play ultimate frisbee as a group of people who want to run and work together.
Who can join your club?
Anyone who is taking an active credit at MATC.
When and where does the club meet?
As of right now, we have no official meetings we will host until spring rolls around and there is more desirable weather.
What are some of the events and activities your club hosts throughout the year?
We hope to host an open tournament for other teams around the Madison area to attend.
Why should students join this club?
It is a very inclusive sport that has brought many people joy and is a fun way to get a good workout.
Who is the club advisor(s), and what’s their email?
Avery Wells awells9@madison College.edu
Ronaldo Lopez Vega [email protected]
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your club?
The community is absolutely incredible and there are lots of different groups and spaces to try it out if you are not sure you will like it.
Where can students get more information about your club?
They are more than welcome to email or text Ronaldo or Avery or check any of our posters posted on the main floor.