After an unsuccessful run at Madison City Council, Spencer White has campaigned to earn a political seat again. This time, his run has been successful. White, a student at Madison Area Technical College, has been named Vice Chair of Volunteers for the Dane County Democrats. The announcement was made at the Nov. 9 Dane County Democrats meeting.
“I’m excited to serve for the organi- zation,” White said.
White decided that running for the seat was the next logical step.
“I felt that it combines the last two positions I had quite nicely,” he said. “I thought it was a good way to keep me involved in volunteering and politics.”
White takes this place on the executive board of the Dane Dems at one of the most chaotic political times in recent memory. Ever since Gov. Scott Walker took office, the political scene across the state has been in a fever pitch, with its Capitol at the epicenter.
Protests have erupted across Madison, and even across Madison College. Recall efforts are going on throughout the city, including Madison College as well. White has been a part of that as a member of the Dane County Democrats and the Madison College Democrats, making his anti-Walker stance public.
“I think the political climate is very energized,” White said. “I think we have the opportunity to take back our
state, which a lot of us have been waiting months for.”
White sees this as an opportunity to recruit people to help out with recall efforts, he said.
“I think the best way that I can contribute is by focusing on gathering signatures in the local community and gathering as many volunteers as possible,” he said. “Then, I think then in the spring it falls into a real ‘get-out-to- vote’ campaign.”
White has been a public face in Madison politics in the past year, even beyond Madison College. Last summer he worked on the Fred Clark campaign. Clark ran in the recall election of Wisconsin Senator Luther Olsen this past year.
Last February, White ran for Madison Common Council in District 17, which is also the district that the Truax campus is located.
He was up against Joe Clausius, the incumbent who had years of experience on both the Madison City Council and Sun Prairie City Council.
Also during the campaign, the protests had just erupted at the Capitol and reports had been released that Madison’s wells were polluted, including the well that pumps water throughout District 17.
White said that this experience should help prepare for his new role with the Dane County Democrats.
Right now, White enters a climate that is still anti-Walker as recall petitions are out in full force. White has helped the Madison College Democrats in recall efforts, running tables outside of Student Life and the cafeteria. White has canvassed throughout District 17 as well. In the process, he familiarized himself with the district, which may help him in his new role with the Dane County Democrats, he said.
“It makes building a network easier,” White said.
For White, this is a stepping-stone to other opportunities in the world of politics.
“I want to be a part of the city and county processes,” he said. “I want to eventually run again for the (city) council.”
Since becoming a Madison College student in 2005, White has been involved in several areas in the college. White became a member of the Madison College Democrats in 2008, eventually becoming the President of the group. White currently serves as the Treasurer of the group. In 2010-11, White was the head of the Volunteer Center.