Fusion Science Theater has a brand new show opening Feb. 18 at the West Campus entitled Race to the Glow. During the show the audience and performers will work together to answer the question, “Why do glow sticks glow?”
Holly Kerby, executive director of Fusion Science Theater found out through her years of teaching chemistry that students often come into science type classes with trepidation. The reason isn’t always clear, but she found that acting-out concepts with her students seemed to ease tension and improve comprehension.
“Learning is emotional,” Kerby said. “If you come into something really afraid and protecting yourself all the time you’re not going to be able to learn very well.”
She went on to explain that learning really requires an individual to step up to the challenge and be receptive to what is being presented.
Kerby wants to encourage parents to bring their children to Race to the Glow because it’s a fun, participatory show. She says that not only will your kids learn something, but the parents might too.
Fusion Science Theater has been successful in teaching science through theater. As proof of that they received a grant from the National Science Foundation for Informal Science Education in the amount of $500,000. To get the grant, Kerby had to prove that the teaching methods were effective. So in Race to the Glow – and all their shows- they solicit feedback from the audience before and after. This in addition to being evaluated by a third party Fusion Science Theater has been able to prove that their methods work.
This grant will be used to evolve their training program nationwide. Over the summer there are plans to bring in four groups and train them. Once trained with the current methods and scripts, Fusion Science Theater will provide online support.
There will also be workshops to teach educators the methods that Fusion Science Theater has developed.
Kerby also expressed a deep gratitude toward Madison College for letting her pursue this endeavor.
“I don’t think that this could have come out of any other place other than a community college,” Kerby said. “She is extremely proud that Madison College is the only community college to have received a grant for Informal Science Education from the National Science Foundation.
Kerby is an Instructor at Madison College. She teaches Chemistry to variety of students; nursing, EMT’s, transfer students. She also teaches a Playwriting course, Creative writing and drama. Playwriting is a passion of Kerby’s and she likes to be able to share that with students in both her teaching career and with Fusion Science Theater.
The event will be held in Room 110 at 10:30am and 12:30pm. Reservations are strongly suggested: [email protected].
If you would like more information about Fusion Science Theater, visit: www.fusionsciencetheater.org or www.facebook.com/FusionScienceTheater.