Public Safety

Sgt. Joe Steffen & Dispatcher David Manthey

Public Safety Officers respond to many calls for service and we communicate our activities to the college community.  Here are some of the notable incidents from the past couple weeks.

On Dec. 1, Officers were dispatched to assist locating a missing adult on campus.  It was discovered that the missing adult was a temporarily suspended student.  Officers located the student in one of the Truax Gateway restrooms.  The student was suffering from a life threatening medical emergency and paramedics were called.  Public Safety Officers rendered aid to the man until Madison Paramedics arrived, who subsequently transported the man to a local hospital for further evaluation.

On Dec. 7, a male student came to the Public Safety office complaining of chest pain.  It was believed the man was suffering from a heart attack.  Officers rendered aid to the man until Madison Paramedics arrived to care for him.

On Dec. 13, while patrolling the student parking lot at 11:58pm, a Public Safety Officer attempted contact with two males burglarizing a vehicle.  Both suspects fled on foot.  The Officer pursued one of the suspects and radioed for Madison Police assistance.  After a short foot chase the suspect was detained by the Public Safety Officer.  Madison Police arrived shortly after and took custody of this individual.  The vehicle was damaged and belongings were stolen.  We would like to remind everyone that overnight parking is not permitted on campus, to lock your doors, and avoid parking in darkened areas.

On Dec. 13, Public Safety along with the Madison Police responded to the South Campus for a report of a female student who threatened a male student with a stun gun. Public Safety assisted in searching for the device, which was recovered after a brief search and Madison Police took custody of the suspect.  There were no injuries reported and the Madison Police are currently investigating this incident.

Officer Weckerly participates in a video scenario at the Protective Services building.
Officer Weckerly participates in a video scenario at the Protective Services building.

Public Safety Update

Over break Public Safety took time to do annual in-service training. This type of training better prepares Officers for the incidents that they encounter while on patrol on campus.

Public Safety Tip

Public Safety welcomes new students and returning students back for Spring Semester.  Be sure to lock your vehicles and keep valuables out of sight.  Also, do not leave vehicles overnight in our parking lots.  This will help cut down on vehicle break-ins and if you see any suspicious behavior do not hesitate to call us at 608-245-2222.

In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account!  Be sure to follow @PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus.

Have you signed up to receive WolfPack Alerts from Madison College?  If not, please do so on our webpage:

If you have any information regarding suspicious activity or other campus safety concerns, please contact our department at 245-2222. Public Safety Officers are available 24/7.