Public Safety

Public Safety Officers respond to many calls for service and we communicate our activities to the college community.  Here are some of the notable incidents from the past couple weeks.

On Jan. 19, Public Safety Officers responded to a student having a seizure at the Truax Campus. Officers aided the student until Madison Paramedics arrived, in which the student was transported to a local hospital.  

On Jan. 24, Public Safety responded to a damage to property complaint at the Truax Campus Peace Park.  Writing and etchings were discovered on the monument structure and notifications were made to the Madison College Facilities department.  

On Jan. 25, Public Safety along with the Madison Police Department responded to the Downtown Campus for a complaint of a frequent trespasser going through staff offices.  The Madison Police Department contacted the suspect and removed him from campus.

On Jan. 25, Public Safety along with the Madison Police Department responded to a report of a domestic violence incident at the Health Education Building.  A female had sustained minor injuries from a male suspect, who has been identified.  The Madison Police Department is currently investigating this incident.

Public Safety Update

A snow plow sits in tight quarters in the Truax student parking after a recent snow fall. Students should park in marked stalls in order to leave room for snow removal equipment. (Photo provided to the Clarion)

With the recent snowfall, we would like to remind all students, staff and faculty to please park in designated parking areas and marked parking stalls only. Parking along the sides of curbs or in the grass is not allowed in any of our parking lots.

Not only does this allow you to avoid the hassle of a citation, but allows emergency vehicles and plow trucks to get through when needed.  It will also help reduce the risk of vehicle collisions.  If you would like to know more, please call the Public Safety Non-Emergency number at 608-246-6932.

In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account!  Be sure to follow @PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus.

Have you signed up to receive WolfPack Alerts from Madison College?  If not, please do so on our webpage:

If you have any information regarding suspicious activity or other campus safety concerns, please contact our department at 245-2222; Public Safety Officers are available 24/7.