Public Safety
September 27, 2017
Public Safety Officers respond to many calls for service and we communicate our activities to the college community. Here are some of the notable incidents from the past couple weeks:
On Sept. 5, Public Safety Officers responded to a report of a student that had fainted in the D-wing at the Truax campus. Officers rendered aid to the person until Madison Paramedics arrived. The student was transported to a local hospital.
On Sept. 6, Public Safety received a criminal damage to property complaint for a vehicle that was keyed in one of the student parking lots at Truax. The vehicle was found to be in a no parking area and blocking traffic. For any questions related to parking regulations, please call Public Safety at 608-246-6031.
On Sept. 13, Officer responded to a vehicular hit and run crash on the 3500 block on Anderson Street. The vehicle struck a light pole, which subsequently fell down and struck another vehicle. The vehicle that stuck the light pole left the scene. The suspect vehicle was seen leaving with two flat front tires and was being sought by the Madison Police Department. Public Safety provided traffic control at the scene until Madison Police arrived due to the light pole blocking a lane of traffic. The Madison Fire Department arrived to shut down all traffic temporarily. No injuries were reported.
On Sept. 14, Officers were requested by an employee for a student that appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance. A student requested emergency medical services after ingesting a controlled substance. Officers rendered aid to the student until Madison Paramedics arrived. Madison Paramedics transported the student to a local hospital for further evaluation. Madison College Crisis Counseling Services can be reached at 608-246-6060.
Public Safety Update
On Friday, Sept. 29, the entrance to the Truax campus student parking lot on Wright Street will be closed all day for urgent repairs to the storm sewer. Repairs are expected to take one day but may run later. Use the entrances on Hoffman Street during the closure.
In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account! Be sure to follow @PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus.
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If you have any information regarding suspicious activity or other campus safety concerns, please contact our department at 245-2222; Public Safety Officers are available 24/7.