Online student radio station now live

Mario Gasparri, Staff Writer

In a continued effort to expand its media platforms, Madison College’s The Clarion is set to go live with its first ever radio station this October. Over this past summer, advisor Doug Kirchberg and his team have taken on this project from scratch, establishing the foundation from which to grow.

General Manager of Clarion Radio Jessica Pokrandt discussed the enthusiasm involved with starting the radio station as well as the difficulties encountered.

“It’s pretty exciting to be the pioneers of Madison College Radio,” Pokrandt said. “There’s challenges that we have now that we wouldn’t have had if we joined an established radio.”

With this new initiative, Madison College joins the growing list of colleges providing an independent online live-stream radio station. The advantage of this independent approach is that Clarion Radio has full autonomy over its content and staffing as opposed to being compelled to adhere to specific preset guidelines. The advantage for Madison College students is that it offers a chance to gain valuable radio experience in a friendly setting.

Rather than the often-difficult path of trying to break-in with an established radio station, Clarion Radio allows students increased access to participate as well as increased freedom to speak on matters freely. Pokrandt is in full support of this collaborative effort.

“It’s not like the real world where you make one mistake, and boom you’re fired. Here, this is an experiment for everyone, so if you make a mistake, you’ll learn like everybody else,” she said.

In relation to prospective students who might want to join, Pokrandt added, “Go for it, no matter how much time or how little time you have. If you want to be a DJ, if you have any idea for a radio show, there are a lot of ways to get involved.”

To listen in, students can go the where music is streaming right now. Soon, students can begin listening in to even more programming. International and local new will both be included, as well as sports, opinions, and music. Be on the lookout, and if you want to get involved, stop by the Student Life Offices with any ideas or suggestions.