Help available in the achievement centers
September 12, 2018
Did you know students who study in groups, if they stay focused and on task, learn 2.5 times more than students who study alone?
That’s the conclusion of a 1984 study by D.W. Johnson and R.T. Johnson entitled “Cooperative Small-Group Learning.”
District-wide, the Student Achievement Center (SAC) is the go-to source for help with your coursework, and a great place to study either on your own or in groups.
During the summer of 2018, the Student Achievement Center received certification for our Tutor Training Program, making the center’s peer tutors the best-trained tutors at Madison College.
If you are struggling with your classes, our tutors can help to get you unstuck. If you are already doing well in your classes, but want to do better, they will work with you to identify a strategy to help you reach your goals.
The Student Achievement Center has computers, printers, assistive technology, reservable and open study rooms, a world languages lab, comfortable seating, collaborative workspaces and technology, study aids, whiteboards, headphones, study tip sheets, helpful and welcoming staff, and other tools to advance achievement.
In the Stuent Achievement Center peer tutors focus on working with students to build skills needed for academic achievement.
Using a drop-in tutoring model (no appointments necessary), tutors engage with students as partners in learning and mastery. Leveraging resources at hand, tutors partner with students to develop skills and strategies for academic success.
Experts are also available in the Student Achievement Center to work with students on general organization skills, study tips, and strategies.
Maybe color-coding helps you organize your thoughts, or you learn best by taking notes, or perhaps you prefer flashcards.
Maybe you have no idea about what will work best to maximize your learning, and are searching for something that will work for you.
Our Academic Engagement Partners work alongside peer tutors to help you find study solutions.
This fall the Student Achievement Center is pleased to announce our new ability to support students in nursing and allied health sciences programs.
In addition to peer tutors, and Academic Engagement Partners, the center hosts many faculty tutors. Maybe your professor is a volunteer in the Student Achievement Center.
Stop in anytime to say hello or ask questions. Tutor schedules are available online or at the center’s welcome desks.
Students using the Student Achievement Center log in and out of our kiosks, indicating which courses they are there to study, and if they are working alone or in groups.
We maintain the highest standards to protect student privacy, and data is only used to coordinate tutor coverage, assemble the tutor schedule, and establish service hours.
Student Achievement Centers are located next to or near the libraries at the Downtown, Fort Atkinson, Reedsburg, South, and Watertown Campuses.
On the Truax Campus, the Student Achievement Center is on the second floor, Room A2000.