Public Safety
On each Friday in October, you will see some Public Safety staff, in partnership with the Dean of Students office, wearing purple polo shirts in recognition of Domestic Abuse Awareness Month. Seen here are Deputy Director Joseph Steffen, center, and Madison College Public Safety dispatchers Sabra Ablakovic and Paul Collins wearing purple to bring awareness to this very serious issue.
October 16, 2019
Public Safety Officers respond to many calls for service and we communicate our activities to the college community. Here are some of the notable incidents from the past couple weeks.
On Sept. 30, Public Safety responded to a medical call for a diabetic student with low blood sugar at the Goodman South Campus. Public Safety and the instructor provided food and juice to the student who was able to elevate their blood sugar levels enough to return to class.
On Oct. 1, the fire alarm was activated at the Truax Campus by a pull station. Public Safety responded to the area and found a student accidently pulled down the pull station while searching for the light switch.
On Oct. 8, it was reported that a student witnessed a hit and run in the general parking lot of the Truax Campus. Public Safety was able to contact both parties involved and had them exchange insurance information.
Please keep in mind if you damage an unoccupied vehicle while on campus, it is your responsibility to leave a note with your name and a phone number on the damaged vehicle. If you witness someone else causing damage without leaving a note, please contact Public Safety.
WolfPack Alerts
Have you signed up to receive WolfPack Alerts from Madison College? These alerts notify you of school cancellations or about emergencies on or near campus. If not, please do so on our webpage. Registration is free, easy and takes about a minute on your mobile device. In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account! Be sure to follow @PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus.
If need to report an emergency or have other campus safety concerns, please contact our department at 245-2222; Public Safety Officers are available 24/7.