Hunting for hearts
Homemade displays offer message of hope, unity
Hearts decorate the windows of St. Mary’s operating room in Madison.
April 22, 2020
You may have noticed them popping up in people’s windows in your neighborhood, on closed businesses, in the windows of a health care facility: Hearts.
Across Madison and across the country, people are putting up hearts in their windows for people walking by to see. Some have even added a hashtag and a purpose, #happyhearthunt.
In this time of isolation, folks have decided to take it upon themselves to place hearts as symbols of hope across their homes. Some have decorated the yard, drawn them in sidewalk chalk and put them all over the front doors and windows.
In a time when politics has frayed us, and we live with the uncertainty of where we go from here, it’s nice to see a symbol of unity and hope.
The hearts have even spawned a Facebook page, Happy Heart Hunt, which has been featured on some of our local TV news.
If you haven’t seen them yet, you might check out your neighborhood on a social distancing happy heart hunt of your own. You could decorate your own windows and keep the message moving.
When things seem grim and so many feel isolated, it’s nice to see a small symbol of unity, even if we can’t get out and talk to our neighbors or greet people in the streets.