Anderson Street entrance to building is now closed
A view of the Madison College Truax Campus from the Health Education Building at dusk, shows the exterior lights coming on.
October 14, 2020
Here are updates from the Madison College Public Safety Office:
- The Anderson Street entrance has been closed due to low traffic. Please use the main entrance on the West side of the building. If you require a handicapped parking spot in the Anderson Street parking area, please call Public Safety at 245-2222 and an Officer will meet you at the door to let you in.
- We have noticed some groups congregating in close proximity to each other, primarily in the cafeteria area. Please do your best to socially distancing yourself from others by at least 6 feet.
- With Covid-19 cases rising in Dane County. Please make sure you are following all Madison College health protocols.
Public Safety is always available 24/7 by calling 245-2222. I would also like to make you aware of our Counselling staff available to all Madison College students. If you are feeling depressed, stressed or are experiencing any mental health issue, you can contact Counselling at 608-246-6076. Another great resource in our area is Journey Mental Health ( 608-280-2700). If you are going through a rough time, please reach out to someone. And as always you can contact me by email at [email protected] or at my desk by calling 608-243-4165.
WolfPack Alerts
Have you signed up to receive WolfPack Alerts from Madison College? These alerts notify you of school cancellations or about emergencies on or near campus. If not, please do so on our webpage. Registration is free, easy and takes about a minute on your mobile device.
In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account! Be sure to follow @PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus.
If need to report an emergency or have other campus safety concerns, please contact our department at 245-2222; Public Safety Officers are available 24/7.