Madison College Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Chapter recognized in Wisconsin Regional Conference
March 24, 2021
It was just a year ago when Madison College hosted Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Wisconsin Regional Conference in-person. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was held virtually from March 4-6, 2021. The first day was a game night where members played various games together remotely. The second and third day included guest speakers, college fairs, and different workshops. All the chapter officers and a few members attended the conference, and I was able to interview the officers about their experience. Overall, many people thought the virtual conference was well-organized and that it was a great opportunity to spend more time with chapter members and connect PTK members from other colleges. Many of them also thought that the guest speakers and workshops inspired them. However, many officers also shared that they miss the in-person engagement still and hope to spend time together in the future.
Even though things have changed in the world since the last conference, one thing has not changed– Madison College was still recognized in the conference. The school again achieved the highest level, 5-star chapter this year with various accomplishments. Along with that, our chapter received the âSpirit Awardâ for active engagement in social media and outreach to the student body. In addition, Madison College chapter won 2nd place as the Most Distinguished Chapter in Wisconsin. Our chapter also received the âDistinguished Chapter Officer Teamâ award.
Individually, PTK officer Ana Paula Rodovalho Fernandes Moreira won 2nd place and another officer, Talita Maciel, won 3rd place in the âDistinguished Chapter Officer Award.â In addition, PTK advisor Marty Crabbs was awarded with the âDistinguished Advisor Award.â There are two keystone projects that our chapter is working on and they were recognized. Madison College also won 1st place for the Honors in Action Project and 3rd place for the College Project. All these accomplishments were very special for the officer team especially when considering what the team had to go through during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the team is ready for the PTK Catalyst, the International Conference in early April.