Andres Sanchez
Jodie Pope Williams, left, and Rhoda McKinney, members of the Black Women’s Affinity Group at Madison College, share the stage during the opening of the art exhibit “Honoring the Black Woman” on Feb. 1 at the Truax Campus.
The Art Exhibit “Honoring the Black Woman” opened on Feb. 1 with a ceremony held in the Gateway of the Truax Campus. The Black Women’s Affinity Group, BWAG, hosted the event.
The Black Women’s Affinity Group is committed to making higher education accessible and enriching the lives and communities of women of color, as they stated in the events program.
The event opened with a land acknowledgement from Jodie Pope Williams of BWAG and Madison College President Dr. Jack Daniels. The Black National Anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” was followed by a tribute to Dzigbodi Akyea.
A scholarship has also been established in her name for Black students who intend to transfer to a four year school.
Refreshments were offered after all the gallery artists were recognized. The treats came from Melly Mell’s Soul Food.
Future events include Yams and Sweet Potatoes, a Black Culinary Series. Nyanyika Banda will be at the Traux campus on Feb. 16. Dr. Jessica Harris, the author of bestselling book “High on the Hog,” will be at Mitby Theater on Feb. 17 from 6-7 p.m. Patience Clark will be at Goodman South Campus on Feb. 23. Seats for the events can be saved through Eventbrite.