Favorite spots to study
Finding your next comfy study nook on campus
Students study in the open space outside the Intercultural Exchange on the first floor of the main Truax Campus building.
August 29, 2022
School is starting up again here soon, the anxiety will be there for everyone whether you are a returning student or new to the school. A good habit to get into is taking a bit of time to explore campus, what spots look comfortable or quiet to you to study?
Here are a few spots to study at the Madison College Truax Campus that anyone can use.
The first spot is outside the Intercultural Exchange, across from Student Life and next to the bookstore. It has comfortable chairs with the tables in the center of them. The bookstore is close by, in case you need a pencil or a snack. Speaking of a snack, guess what is on the other side of it? Coffee! Coffee is necessary for me when studying. A restroom is close by as well.
There can be some noise from the cafeteria or from the WolfPack Den, but if a bit of noise does not bother you then consider this an ideal spot to do homework or even just chill with your morning coffee or tea before class. It’s as great spot for drinking coffee and tea and just relaxing before classes started for the day. It became a ritual for us every morning.
Another spot is on the second floor, in the middle of the building. Just turn left off after you exit the bookstore elevator, and there’s an accessible area of chairs, tables, and comfortable sofa like seating. This is a great spot for finishing up homework in the morning. It is usually incredibly quiet and tends to stay quiet since it is surrounded by classrooms. It is also a good place just to relax before class. There is a stand with The Clarion newspaper on it to catch up on what is all going on in the school.
Lastly, on the third floor, there is a spot on right before you come across the library with little cubbies for studying. You can lay all your books out and just dive right into studying. It is a few steps away from one of the many useful tools on campus, the library. Tutors are available in the library, plus there are endless books and DVDs to rent.
Whether you are there to study or have your morning coffee, be sure to seek out “power seat” or a place that makes you feel comfortable. There is nothing worse than trying to study somewhere you do not feel comfortable and the subject is hard, that is the worst and just makes your anxiety worse.