Mailbag: Letters to the Editor
December 8, 2016
To the Editor:
As members of a great club here on the Madison College campus, we at “To Save A Life” are excited to engage with other students about our mission. While the graphics choices of one of our recent posters was unfortunate, and we apologize to all offended students, we appreciate this opportunity to learn and to discuss the important issue of life.
“To Save a Life” promotes life and support for women facing unplanned pregnancies. Now in our second year, our mission is twofold: First, we offer support and resources to pregnant women and their partners. Often, women are unaware of their options. In fact, a large number of women who have had abortions report that they felt this was their only option. We are here to inform women of all their choices, and to support them in this very challenging time. Second, we are here to educate. Our goal is to educate gently and calmly with scientific facts and statistics the reality of abortion and to encourage students to discuss this important issue.
We hope this brief letter will bring attention to our club’s mission and, more importantly, start a renewed dialogue on campus about life.
Yours Truly,
Marcella Thompson, President
“To Save a Life”