A nation founded by immigrants
February 15, 2017
News flash right America: you are all immigrants. No European has been or ever will be a native to this beautiful land we call home.
Home: A place you feel most comfortable, at least most of the time. Unless you are a Muslim under President Trump’s regime.
Oh, but wait!
It doesn’t actually say Muslim in the literature that comprises the ban. Is it not implied? Are the seven countries included in the ban not of a vastly Muslim majority?
Oh, but wait!
The ban only lasts at least 120 days.
To think it’s OK to inconvenience residents of America, who hold green cards, for even a brief moment, with no pretense other than irrational fear of their religion, is the reason there is still anarchists. A growing movement, actually, in the wake of the right rising to power, and a violent one too. Even now, effecting the normally peaceful Berkeley, California. I mean, peaceful in a ‘60s riding my beach cruiser to UC’s college of letters and sciences kind of way; every place has its problems. Are they terrorists, too?
See, Mr. President, here is a quick history lesson.
Many moons ago, the Pilgrims and Puritans came to what is now America, to practice religious freedom, and that includes Islam. And even many moons later, it continued to be the reason people immigrated to America from far and wide, to truly have freedom. To escape from the tyrannical governments of 20th century Europe, and now the tyrannical governments of the modern day Middle East.
See, what I didn’t tell you earlier, as if you didn’t know by now, is that the ban is indefinite if you are from Syria – a country run by a tyrant that is currently slaughtering his own people.
But wait! Aren’t they all terrorists?!
In the same way Catholics are all pedophiles. Is isolating a group of people good for terrorism or bad for terrorism? I’ll take ‘dripping with irony’ for $400.
Who is the first U.S. President born to an immigrant mother? Who is Donald Trump. CORRECT! Mr. Trump, imagine if your mother was treated in such a way? Maybe we wouldn’t be having this conversation? Maybe they would have sent her back… Maybe.
The ban is un-American. Period.
No American who believes in this nation’s ideals would see it any other way. Not only do ALL people in this country have the right to praise who they want, how they want, when they want, but I also have the freedom to say this ban is a travesty.
It goes beyond what political party you support, it travels into the territory of human rights, and what made modern America the amazing place it is. We need to start treating everyone as human beings – no matter what the commander in chief says on his Twitter page.