Communities can find common ground

Amara Gobermann, Managing Editor

Think about religion. Now think about the LGBTQ community.

Now think about them together. I am sure that can be odd, considering the conflict between groups. So how can we start collaborating these groups, and making everyone feel heard?

Typically, we don’t have open conversations between LGBTQ community members and Christian followers, but these are two of the biggest communities here in America.

It’s funny how both of these groups are coming from a place of love, yet they act as if they hate each other. What would happen if we sat down and talked about our differences and asked one another what their struggle is?

Speaking of general Christianity, typically those faith followers believe that men and women are just meant to be together and reproduction can only happen this way. But the LGBTQ community believes that love is love, and there is no reason to think differently of it.

As a society we have grown so much to tolerance of letting people express themselves, and who they love; but that is not to say we still don’t have a lot of work to do.

We have been progressively moving for the rights of LGBTQ members, pushing for social acceptance, and the freedom to love. Though, while fighting for these rights we have to remember to still have respect for other communities. There is a bad stigma on Christians that they all hate gay people. Which is not true.

It can be really confusing when a whole faith says that the way you are is wrong, but the people who believe in that faith don’t think you are wrong. I think that there is a difference between what someone believes in, and liking someone as a person. Everyone can have their own opinions, beliefs, and do what they feel is right for their life.

So why does knowing what someone believes in or their sexuality change who they are as a person? It doesn’t.

People are more than one thing. People are more than gay, and Christian, or bi-sexual, or Muslim. That is only one thing to that person, and to completely write someone off for what they believe or who they like is just discrimination.

Now just think; what if we had a room of people who talked and just got to know each other first, and at the end we revealed that they were talking to someone of the opposite community. I bet a lot more LGBTQ members and Christians would be close friends.

After all, aren’t we all from the same God?