Student, athlete, editor: who knows what’s next

Kaleia Lawrence is the new editor in chief of The Clarion.
August 28, 2021
Three years ago I came to Madison College. I had no set career path and was living in someone’s room that I met on Facebook. The only reason I came to Madison College was to fulfill my childhood goal of playing collegiate volleyball.
My first month in Madison was filled with volleyball practice and working at the Fitness Center.
But, soon enough, the first day of classes rolled around and I walked in ready and raring to go. Every first day of college advice page I scoured said to make a buddy for each class and that was my goal for the day.
So as I stood outside of my first class, I was looking for someone who looked like they wanted to talk. As I stood there, I overheard a conversation that involved the words student newspaper.
My ears immediately rang, knowing a student newspaper equals a whole lot of people you can make friends with. I jumped in as smoothly as I could, asking about what it was and how to join. Luckily for me, I was talking to some experts at the school, Larry Hanson and former Opinion Editor Casey Anderson.
Since that day, I’ve been around the Clarion in different roles. Starting as a writer first, I moved onto the Opinion Editor role the next year and co-hosting a radio show with the broadcast side, to now being Editor in Chief.
This year will be busy between working with WolfPack Wisdom Student Youtube channel, volleyball and the Clarion. I’m excited to work with all the awesome staff to serve all the awesome students. If you’re ever on campus, feel free to say hi because I basically live here.