From student to editor in chief
Madison College journalism student Lillian Coppelman is the new editor in chief of The Clarion
August 29, 2022
After graduating high school I didn’t really know where I wanted to go with my life. I had always been passionate about writing and telling stories, I had been doing it since I could pick up a pen.
So when I applied for Madison College I decided to give journalism a try. I was a little nervous as I had never really given journalism a thought before, the closest I had actually done was my role in my high school’s broadcast team. Though reporting the daily announcements is hardly the same as reporting for the school newspaper.
When I applied at Madison College for the spring semester I had decided to play it safe and only take one journalism class. I didn’t know if this would be the right path for me and I didn’t want to have too many classes to drop if it wasn’t.
I joined the Clarion for my journalism practicum class, starting out as a staff writer. I knew that if I was going to start out I should write what I know, so I stuck mostly to the arts section. It was easy to cover things that I watched or played, it gave me a real connection to what I was doing.
I was really nervous about submitting my first article. I was never a big fan of anything I wrote and this was going to be put into the student newspaper. I felt like it was sloppy and somewhat rushed, but to my surprise people actually liked it. As the semester chugged on I felt a little more comfortable in my role as a Staff Writer and my skills as a writer.
I never would have applied for Editor In Chief if the previous Editor In Chief Kaleia Lawrence and hadn’t suggested it to me. So now I have some pretty big shoes to fill this year, but I know that I will do the best that I can. I’m excited to be back with the Clarion and I can’t wait to continue what I love doing, writing stories.