Create a smoothie with a bike, join the bone marrow registry

Kaleia Lawrence

The blender bike returned to campus on April 5.

Sherra Owino, Assistant Editor

Spring, especially in Wisconsin, brings about new life that many enjoy from budding trees to baby ducklings. 

It’s a time when people come out of their winter slumbers and get outside, focusing more on physical activity and overall health. 

Madison College is no exception with a number of upcoming events to illuminate health issues and ways to help others. 

Blender Bike 

Most people know or are themselves affected by lung health and asthma. These are common issues in our society as 25 million Americans have asthma, a chronic disease that makes the airways inflamed and breathing difficult according to 

To raise awareness and education around lung health, the Peer Health Educators and the Respiratory Therapy program of Madison College held an event where you can blend your own smoothie using a bike! How does that work you say? A stationary bike had its back wheel fastened to a blender so, as you pedal, attendees mixed ingredients such as bananas, strawberries, yogurt and orange juice. 

It was held on April 5 in the Health Building. 

Be the Match 

Be the Match is a national registry that matches marrow donors to recipients. Giving bone marrow can be a lifesaving gift that starts by joining the registry. 

 Madison College hosted an event so that attendees could sign up to join the registry, submit a swab kit and go over any questions and learn why donating is important. 

There were classroom presentations, plus a Q and A and kit distribution. It was open to the community.  

To learn more and get involved, please visit this link:  

Don’t wait to be someone’s cure! Even those within the Madison College community have been helped due to generous donations like these.