‘Bad in Bed’ was brilliant

Steve Noll

Cast members rehearse Karen Saari’s play, “Bad in Bed (A Fairy Tale),” which was performed at the Bartell Theater from March 3 through March 11.

Jordan Hake, Staff Writer

The play “Bad In Bed (A Fairy Tale)” aired from March 3 through 11, written by Madison College’s very own Karen Saari.  The one hour and forty minute run time brings audience members through many emotions.
The play opens with a bang, or lack thereof, as Annie Jo finally decides to express her unhappiness after three long uneventful years with Charles.
As time moves along, Charles and close friend Jack spend some time together in Stevens Point, where they went to college, learning how to be single again.  Their old friend from college, Betsy, happens to be in town promoting her new book, “Bad In Bed (A Fairy Tale).”
Unexpected secrets get revealed and things start to make sense for our friend Charles.  The fairy tale nature of the play leaves the audience with a full heart.
This was a night full of heartbreak, rekindled romance, witchcraft, yes, witchcraft and good old fashion Midwest humor.  This fantastic cast of five was sure to capture and maintain the audiences attention for a marvelous almost two hours.  We were sure to laugh, cry and cheer them on as we were allowed a glimpse into the world of Charles and Jack’s love life.
Saari’s brilliant writing combined with the phenomenal casting led to one of the most entertaining evenings I’ve had.  The play was modern and very relatable to current society.  When it comes to the plot, attention to detail never left us reaching for more.
What it did do, was leave us so immersed in each and every character they started to almost feel real.
This was a gem of a find, and I was so lucky to have gotten a chance to witness Karen Saari’s incredible storytelling abilities live on stage.