Find a way to make this year work for you

Anica Graney is the new editor in chief of The Clarion, Madison College’s student newspaper.
August 31, 2020
Hello. My name is Anica Graney. I am the editor-in-chief of The Clarion for the 2020-21 school year. This is the introduction I have settled on.
Whew! Starting articles is always the hardest part for me. I’m glad I could just get that over with. And now that you know two things about me (my name and position at The Clarion), here’s a few more: I’m a journalism major that will transfer to UW-Madison after this year, I was the design director and managing editor for The Clarion last year, and my social security number is [information redacted due to Clarion guidelines].
It’s been quite a summer, hasn’t it? Feels like it started in March instead of May, yet somehow, here we are in September wondering where the last six months went. I guess that’s what a global pandemic will do to you. This letter from the editor is mainly supposed to be about introducing myself and overviewing the year ahead. So, let’s begin the latter part, shall we?
I suppose I should comfort everyone and tell you all that this year will be OK and that even though 2020 has been a massive defecation presentation, we’ll still get through it all right.
The problem is, is that I hate pity parties and excuses. Blaming a year for being terrible doesn’t do anything to resolve issues. Instead, we all need to pick our heads up and look forward.
The way to make your life better is to begin with you. Adapt to this new world we’re in and make it work for you. At least that’s my two cents about it.
As a final note, I’d just like to say good luck to everyone this school year.
Stay determined, stay confident, and stay passionate. You got this.